Just Another Day (Analogical)

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"Rod monochromacy or achromatopsia: This type of monochromacy is rare and is the most severe form of color blindness. It is present at birth. None of the cone cells have functional photopigments. Lacking all cone vision, people with rod monochromacy see the world in black, white, and gray. And since rods respond to dim light, people with rod monochromacy tend to be photophobic – very uncomfortable in bright environments. They also experience nystagmus. Rod monochromacy is an autosomal recessive disorder."
- National Eye Institute.

Human AU
Grayscale Challenge

Everyday, Logan found himself thanking the world for the invention of quiet motors, smooth roads, and car rides.

It was quite relaxing to rest his head against the car window, feeling the low hum of the vehicle buzzing against his head and body. He liked to just close his eyes and relax to the sound, or watch the terrain passing by, trees and houses blurring into one continuous picture. Of course, one couldn't forget Logan's loving boyfriend, Virgil, with his soft hands and long fingers that seemed to fit perfectly between Logan's. When they weren't trapping the man's hand in an embrace, Virgil's hands could be found carding through his boyfriend's hair, or resting against his cheek, holding his face with tenderness when they kissed.

He could write a book, Logan thought, about all the things he loved and cherished about Virgil. However, if he did so, he was sure the page count would rival that of Victor Hugo's Les Miserables―In the original French.

"Stupid people, stay in your lane!" Virgil bit back a curse as they pulled up to a packed four way intersection, braking a bit too roughly and causing Logan to jolt forward a bit. "Sorry, L, light changed red before I could go out."

"Quite alright, dear." Logan sat up, looking around. His eyes traveled over towards the stoplight and he winced, looking away quickly.

Virgil glanced over, "You alright?"

"Yes, just . . . traffic light. Bright," Logan explained, lamely. Virgil got the point though and nodded.

The light changed and Virgil quickly pulled out, turning and driving down their road. He parked in their driveway and climbed out, along with Logan.

It was a beautiful summer evening, the sun beginning to set. Despite this, the neighbourhood children were out playing, riding bikes and running around. One of their neighbours, a boy around the age of six, was riding down the sidewalk, struggling to keep balanced on his bike, which now lacked the training wheels it had originally came with. He finally lost his balance however, tipping over and falling onto the sidewalk. Thankfully, he was unscathed, but that didn't mean it hurt any less.

Logan came over, helping him up. "Careful, bud."

"Thank you, Mr. Sanders!" He looked up at him with a toothy smile. His eyes locked with Logan's, then he frowned. "Why are your eyes so wobbly?"

Freezing for a moment, Logan quickly composed himself and smiled. "Just how I was born."

"Ohhh. Cool!" Unbothered, the boy picked his bike back up, mounting it again and slowly riding off, making Logan sigh in relief. He looked around and tried to find where Virgil was standing. Everything was blurring though, like a camera struggling to focus.

"Virgil?" Logan held his hand out, relieved when he felt fingers brush his.

"Right here, L. Sorry I was bringing in the groceries."

"It's alright . . ." He smiled wobbly and let Virgil lead him inside. His face and demeanor, however, did not match his words. Once inside, he stared at the ground, feeling soft fur brush suddenly against his leg. He knelt down, eyes focusing on a furry creature now close enough to where he could see it. Their dog, a fluffy white Samoyed named Galina, licked his face happily, gently knocking him off balance to where he now sat on the ground. He looked into her eyes, laughing as her soft tongue attacked his face.

"Galina, come get your food!" Virgil called from the kitchen, causing her to immediately bound out of the living room, allowing Logan to finally stand and wipe his face off and walk int the kitchen.

"Hey, Virge, can I ask you a question?"

"Shoot," Virgil replied, emptying bags of groceries.

"Do you think I'm, for lack of a better term, weird?"

Virgil stopped and glanced at him. "What gave you that idea?"

"Nothing in particular, I've just been thinking it must get rather bothersome . . . how you're the one who always has to drive, or how all our lights have to be dimmed constantly . . ." Logan's teeth now worried at his lip, like he was holding back tears. "Or how I can't fully appreciate the art you make. I can't attend the pride parades I know you secretly want to go to because it's too bright and loud for me. I know your favourite colour is purple but I don't know what it looks like and I never will!" He rambled.


"I know it must get VERY annoying when I have to keep asking you for help, how embarrassing it must be to have to hold my hand everywhere like a little child so I don't fall or bump into someone!"

"Logan!" Virgil raised his voice just slightly, enough to be heard. He placed his hands on his boyfriend's shaking shoulders, looking him in the eyes. He looked past his eyes that moved rapidly from side to side, almost like they were quivering and looked at him . . . Really looked at him. "Please listen to me, okay?"

Logan nodded some.

"We both know that in reality, we will never be in each other's shoes, yes? We know you will never be able to see colour, we know that you'll never be able to drive due to your nystagmus, and we know that I will never truly know what it's like to live like you do . . ." Virgil spoke calmly, stating facts as he knew that was a coping mechanism for Logan, to ground himself with facts, even if they were 'harsh.' "But let's look past the nevers for a moment, we already know those. Look at what you can do! Think about it, L . . ." Virgil listed positive after positive, things he knew Logan loved and things he knew his boyfriend could do well, bringing a little smile to both of their faces.

"And as for the annoyance part . . . Logan, the only way you annoy me is whenever you correct my grammatical errors, and purposely give me a sloppy kiss after you eat pickles. I don't mind holding your hand constantly while we're out, and I don't mind always having to drive. We don't need rainbows and a pride parade to be happy with each other. I just need you, and you need me. And I'm always going to love you, not just part of you . . . I love all of you . . ."

"I love you, too . . ." Logan hugged him, resting his head on Virgil's shoulder comfortably. "Thank you for dealing with these . . . Breakdowns of mine, helping me through them."

"Well, I know you'd do the same for me, which you have on many occasions . . ." Virgil murmured, pressing a kiss to Logan's head.

The two stood in the middle of the kitchen for a few more quiet, calm moments. Virgil's warm and gentle fingers were threading through Logan's hair, causing him to cling a bit more to his boyfriend, leaning on him heavily and sighing in contentment. And when they finally parted, there was no momental shift. It was just Virgil and Logan, now a bit more relaxed after getting through their distress. Both knew something like this would happen again, but for now chose not to focus on it. After all, it was just another day for them.


A lot of research went into this, not only research on Rod monochromacy/achromatopsia and monochromacy, but nystagmus as well as photophobia. I tried to make it as accurate as possible, I truly hope I didn't get things wrong, but if I did, feel free to correct me and educate me further. I worked hard, not just in general but to just make this feel mundane and real, and I hope that shows here. Enjoy!

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