Chapter 3- Travel time.

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Gorilla man opened the car door, entering the silent limo, buckled his seatbelt and drove away from the curb. Marinette gazed out of the window, watching her much-loved home fly past her very eyes. She was going to miss the bakery.

Adrien looked ahead, watching and waiting for the school to come into view. He wanted to get away.

He needed to get away.

Adrien gave off a Cheshire Cat grin as the school came into sight along with a large coach outside it and quickly unfastened his seatbelt. Once the car stopped and pulled up to the curb Marinette unfastened her own.

Adrien was already outside of the car, opening the back and opening Marinette's car door. She was shocked. How did he manage to get out so quickly??

The gorilla man (A/N- seriously what even is his name??) got out the limo and grabbed the suitcases from the back whilst Marinette climbed out of the car, being careful not to trip or make a fool of herself.

She quickly checked her phone...

"Ah, hello Marinette, Adrien. You two are right on time!" Miss Bustier exclaimed excitedly. Alya and Nino waved at the two friendlily before continuing their conversation.

"Come on children, all of you stick together outside the coach so that we can do the register and see who's missing" miss Bustier called out to the ecstatic class, who all eagerly did as they were told.

Just as the students were moving into their huddle another limo pulled up, revealing Chloe. Her butler rushed to the back and pulled out several suitcases. "Miss Bourgeois we made it clear that you were to only bring one suitcase. We haven't got enough money to buy extras"

"B-but-" Chloe stuttered. She just couldn't decide which items to take.

"No buts chloe. If you are to bring all these suitcases you must pay for extra ones yourself."

Chloe huffed to herself. "Fine. Tell daddy that I need him to write a check to the school for my suitcases." Chloe commanded.

"Surely you don't need 5 suitcases Chloe, it's 1 week away on holiday" Marinette called out, attempting to make the butlers life that little bit simpler.

"I don't wear clothes from the trash like you Marinette, I have taste. Taste like mine is hard to decide between so you might want to zip it!" Chloe spat the words back at her, causing Marinette to clench her fist and take a deep breath.

Adrien gently pushed past Marinette, standing in front of her slightly in a protecting manner. "Don't talk to Marinette like that, Chloe. She's right. You don't need 5 suitcases for 7 days away. It's a ridiculous amount. You're father shouldn't have to pay anything to the school, you should just pay attention to the rules."

Chloe grew silent before groaning. "Fine!" She turned to her suitcases and opened one up, looking through it, closing it and pulling it away from the rest. "Take the rest back home!" She quickly turned to the opposite direction and walked towards the rest of the class.

The butler packed the suitcases back into the limo and smiled at Adrien and Marinette. "Thank you two very much." The two nodded and made their way with their suitcases over to the others.

Miss Bustier counted heads and allowed students one by one into the coach. Once she had accounted all students that were here she climbed up the steps onto the coach and did the register.

Once content with her results from the registration and checked everyone had their seat belts fastened the coach started up, music started playing and they were off.

Marinette watched once more as the home she protected and loved so much flew by and she sighed contently. She was beginning to feel more nervous by the minute.

But she was excited.

Soon enough the coach came to a halt and the doors opened. Adrien unfastened his seatbelt and smiled at Marinette.

"You ready?" He exclaimed, eager to stand up. Marinette grinned and nodded.

Miss Bustier stood and shouted across the coach so everyone could hear "Alright everyone" Students listened carefully whilst undoing their seat belts. "Remember to stay with your partner in the airport and keep an eye on plane times. You will have an hour to shop in the airport if you'd like to or to get something to eat. Keep an eye on the departures and make sure you're at the correct gate at the appropriate time". 

Marinette was excited. This was her first time at an airport since she was 5, she hardly had any recognition of it. Apart from the large window that you could watch planes coming in and departing through. Adrien could see the excitement on her face and smiled fondly. It was cute.

Adrien was looking forward to this holiday, for far more reasons than just the relaxing one...

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