Chapter 31- A Talk, Part 2

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After a pleasant but awkward walk back to the hotel Alya and Nino bid their goodbye's to their good friends Marinette and Adrien and headed back to their rooms, leaving the two alone once more. 

"So..." Marinette stated blandly. "What did you want to talk to me about?" 

Adrien shushed her and kept his head down as he spoke. "Ssh, not here. Get to the room we'll talk there" 

Marinette looked on at Adrien for a moment before nodding to herself, looking down and following him in his movement past the pools, up the stairs, past the bridge overlooking the pools and down towards their apartment-hotel.  

Marinette couldn't help but wonder what Adrien wanted to talk to her about. Maybe it was about her sudden change of attitude towards him? Who knows, either way she followed him silently and didn't say a word until he closed and locked the door, closed the curtains and sat on the couch, patting it beside him indicating for her to sit. She began to grow anxious and folded her arms in response to the sudden feeling. "what's up?" She avoided eye contact as she sat down. 

"Okay" Adrien began "I don't want you to freak out or anything about what I'm about to tell you, so please don't-" 

This, of course, only added to Marinette's nerves... And Adrien could see that plain as day.          "O-okay, okay... Relax... I uh- I know your secret, Marinette" 

Marinette froze. 

Which secret? 

That she was in love with him? 

Or that she was ladybug?



She looked him dead in the eye, a look so serious that it struck fear into his very being. 

"...What secret" she said, in almost a demanding tone. 

Adrien's eyes widened at the tone slightly before he chuckled. She sounded just like Ladybug, and he struggled to believe he hadn't realised it sooner. "The big one, didn't realise there was so many" he smiled at her nervousness "I saw the box in your suitcase when I was grabbing you your towel the other day. I wasn't trying to intrude on your privacy-"  

"You know about the miraculouses?" She asked, stunned. 

"Well, uh- about that..." he chuckled nervously "I have one myself m'lady. How ironic is it that Paris' 2 beloved heroes got to share a apurrrtment-hotel on holiday?" he winked and as he did so the penny dropped in Marinette's mind. 

"...Chat Noir?" 

(A/N- Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you did be sure to leave a comment, give it a rate and share with your fellow miraculers. Thank you so much for reading and I'll be sure to update once again in the next couple days so be sure to keep an eye out on notifications. Stay safe and I'll see you all next time. Bye guys!)

Word count: 400

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