Chapter 18- Home Part 2

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With the group now en route home, Marinette thought of the night she had. Her first night with Adrien on holiday, the food, the music, the lights... She had spent it all by his side. Frankly, there wasn't a better place to be spending it than with him...

Meanwhile, back at the apartments;

"Ssh! They'll hear us!" Chloe whispered.

"I don't think they're even here Chloe, so quit bitching." Lila rolled her eyes and looked into the glass door before silently opening it. "Left it unlocked? How stupid can a person get?..."

Chloe looked around cautiously and groaned whilst stomping her foot "would you hurry up and do whatever you're doing?! They could be on their way back and Nethaniel might wake up and find out we're gone!"

"yeah yeah whatever" Lila muttered to herself as she walked into the bedroom and flicked the light on. "Now... Let's see." She flung open Marinette's suitcase and took off her necklace, placing it in a hidden compartment where she also found a little box. "what the heck is this?" she whispered to herself as Chloe shouted in again.

"Lila hurry up! Nethaniels room light just turned on and I can hear Alya and Nino laughing!"

Lila snapped a photo of the little jewellery box, flung the suitcase shut and ran out of the room, slamming the door shut behind her. Chloe and Lila raced back to their dorms quickly and sat on the patio. Nethaniel came into the livingroom and looked out of the glass doors to see the two sat down and walked over, opening the door.

"Chloe, Lila? What are you doing outside? It's getting late we should be getting to bed" He tiredly rubbed his eye as he spoke.

"We got too warm so we were just getting some air, don't worry about us Nethaniel. We'll come in now" Lila smiled softly as she spoke to him and then nodded to Chloe as if to follow her. Chloe folded her arms and walked indoors after Lila, shutting and locking the door and heading to her room.

Adrien and Marinette said goodbye to Alya and Nino and walked up to their apartment. The two stopped and looked at one of the windows in their apartment. "... Did you leave the light on when you were getting changed?" Adrien enquired.

"uh... No, I don't think so? I don't remember..."

Marinette did have rather bad memory and she did have a long day. She must have just forgotten to switch it off, although Adrien was sure all the lights were off when they left. They walked over to the door and Marinette slid it open. "Oh no, I forgot to lock up!" Adrien exclaimed, he very quickly rushed inside with Marinette and sat her down gently on the couch. "Stay here. I'll have a see if anything is missing."

Marinette tiredly nodded and looked down at her phone to check the time. It wasn't too late yet.

Adrien had a look through the rooms and everything seemed to be in place. He faintly looked through Marinette's suitcase but didn't dig too far, he didn't want to invade her privacy. Everything seemed fine so he headed back to the livingroom. "Everything seems fine, I guess I over reacted a little" he said with a faint chuckle.

Marinette smiled tiredly and rested her head on the back of the couch as Adrien sat beside her and put on the TV.

After a while Marinette's head gently fell onto Adrien's shoulder causing him to jump a bit. He looked over to see her eyes closed.

She had fallen asleep.

He smiled lightly at her, she looked so cute... He wrapped an arm around her waist and another under her legs before carrying her bridal style over to the bedroom, placing her on the bed and putting the covers of the side she wasn't lying on over her. He sat on the edge of the bed and whispered "Goodnight Marinette" before taking a blanket out of the wardrobe and moving over to the couch where he then fell asleep.

(A/N- Hey guys! Part two is complete. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you did be sure to vote it and comment if you want more. I have 2 weeks off college so I'll try to update as much as physically possible. Peace!)

Word count- 681

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