Chapter 20- Trouble

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Lila crossed her arms and smirked, a smug look pasted her face. Alya very quickly spoke up "oh I remember, Lila you asked Marinette to look after your necklace whilst you went swimming because it was given to you by the duchess of Verrue for saving her puppy that was drowning in a stream. She didn't want to lose it whilst she was out with me and Adrien so I told her to take it back to her apartment and put it in her room." Alya shrugged and Marinette looked at her concerned but Alya remained calm and had the most innocent and pure look on her face.

"Right. Let me go get it for you Lila, I would have given it you back after you got out of the pool but I had to go change and when I came back you had gone so..." Marinette headed into the room and scanned it. If she were Lila trying to set someone up- where would she put the necklace?...

" hmmm she wouldn't want to accuse Adrien, so... Aha!" Marinette rushed over to her suitcase and opened it up, rooting through it. She suddenly found a necklace in the same compartment as her miraculous box was in.

Could Lila have seen it?!

Marinette shook the thought away, and closed up her suitcase again before walking back into the room with the necklace.

"Lila, if you ask someone to look after an item for you, please remember that you have done so. It's very important that we do not accuse people of stealing, Marinette could have gotten into a lot of trouble then." Miss Bustier stated as Lila took back the necklace and put it on, the smug look on her face disappeared. She closed her eyes and looked down as Miss Bustier spoke.  "You're right, Miss Bustier." Lila looked up to Marinette and placed her hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry for accusing you, Marinette. I completely forgot that I asked you to look after it for me..." Miss bustier and Lila left after that and Adrien shut the door.

"I don't remember Lila asking you to look after her necklace?..." Adrien stated, confused.

"That's because she didn't. I'd made it up." Alya said. "She set her up Adrien. Lila must have planted it there whilst we were out. Did anything seem strange when you came back?"

"The lights in our bedroom were on and the front door was unlocked." Marinette responded.

"Are you telling me that Lila broke in to our apartment, hid her necklace in here and blamed Marinette for stealing it?!" Adrien said in shock as everyone else in the room nodded. "I knew she was a liar but I didn't know she was that bad! Why would she even do that?"

"Lila hates me, Adrien. So does Chloe. They both like you so-"

"They're obviously trying to get rid of her" Nino interrupted "because they're jealous that Marinette got to share apartments with you." he shrugged and opened a can of lemonade. Alya looked at him confused "when and where did you get that from?"

He shrugged and took a sip. Adrien looked down and frowned slightly. "This is my fault. If it weren't for me that wouldn't have happened to you."

"Don't be silly Adrien, you can't blame yourself because of them... I just wish we could tell Miss Bustier the truth but if we did then she'd know we lied about Lila's lie and she wouldn't know who to believe! Then she'd actually believe that I did steal the necklace and I'd be sent home and put in prison, meaning I'd never get married and have Emma, Hugo and Louis and a pet hamster!" Marinette went on, beginning to panic.

Adrien placed his hand on her shoulder comfortingly and looked into her eyes."Calm down"

"Yeah, listen to Adrien. He's right. Nothing bad is gonna happen. We'll just let this one slide but if she tries again I'll tell Miss Bustier the truth, the whole truth. Don't worry about it. Okay? Now, we'll see you later on. Okay girl? I'll text you in a bit!" and with that Nino and Alya left.

Adrien and Marinette stood there in silence for a bit before Adrien finally broke the comforting silence. "Nice names, by the way."


"Emma, Hugo and Louis... Nice names." he patted her shoulder as he walked towards the bathroom. "I'm gonna have a shower and then head down to the pool if you want to join me?"

Marinette, blushing from her crushes comment about their future kids names, nodded with a smile. "Sure. That sounds great!"

Adrien smiled at her before walking into the bathroom, closing the door and switching on the shower.

'... He actually liked the names'

(A/N- hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you did- be sure to leave a rate and share with your friends! Comment down below your favourite part and I'll update as soon as I get chance to. Keep an eye out for more updates! Thank you so much for reading this chapter and until next time- peace!)
Word count:795

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