Chapter 14: Adrian... Who?

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Mari, Adrien, Alya and Nino stared at the menus looking at their options. There was so much to choose from and it all sounded so good!

"I can't make up my mind... What are you getting, Marinette?" Adrien questioned. Marinette froze and looked up from her menu, stunned. "u-um... I was thinking of getting a pizza... But they're so big-"

"You and Adrien could share!" Alya quickly interrupted and smirked to herself as Nino covered his mouth Cooley to contain his smirk and laughter.

"Yeah, that's probably an easier solution. You okay with that Mar?" Adrien questioned, looking at her over his menu. Marinette nodded quickly, her cheeks burning with anticipation. "S-sure! Sounds good..."

Adrien smiled at her response and closed his menu before gently placing it down on the table. "Great."

"Are you ready to order?" A voice called out with a clear Spanish accent. The group looked over to see a woman of average height with a olive complexion, curly black hair, a small black dress and a white apron on with a name tag on her chest which read "Rita Bailemos"

"Have you guys decided?" Adrien asked Alya and Nino who almost immediately nodded. Adrien looked at the waitress "Si.¿Podemos por favor tener una pizza y..." Adrien stopped and looked at the couple. "what do you guys want?"

Nino just blinked as Alya responded. "Um... The Carbonara and he wants the spaghetti..." Adrien nodded and looked back to the waitress. "y una carbonara y espagueti boloñés, por favor"

The waitress smiled, nodded and walked away. The group stared at Adrien in fascination. Was there anything that boy couldn't do??

A tanned waiter came over with dark blonde hair, jade green eyes, a black shirt and pants along with a apron, he had the name tag of 'Adrian'. Marinette blushed timidly at the male. He looked like Adrien. Chiselled jawline, broad shoulders... Is this how Adrien will look in a few years time?!

Adrien looked at Marinette and bit the inside of his cheek. She was just sat there fawning over some random waiter. Why?? He wasn't that special...
"Do you guys want drinks?" He questioned with a strong Spanish accent. Considering this is the Mediterranean, there's a lot of Spanish people... Marinette nodded dreamily. "What do you have?"

The waiter looked at Marinette and smirked. "Coke, lemonade, smoothies, milkshakes... But for you- anything, and half off."

Adrien grit his teeth and looked down at the table. How dare he, a complete stranger- flirt with his very good friend, Marinette. That was his princess!

"Wow... Thank you" Mari smiled "I'll have a smoothie please" Alya quickly added on "She'll also have 2 lemonades and a coke!"

The waiter chuckled to himself and broke eye contact with Marinette. "Coming right up, M'lady"

Adrien bolted to his feet in an uproar of jealousy. "I need some air." He walked out the door and leant against the wall.

(A/N- Hey guys! I've finished NCS!! Woohoo!! Results day and college is coming up now. Thanks for reading this chapter. If you enjoyed it be sure to rate it and leave a comment. Keep an eye out for more updates and as per usual, stay Miraculous. Bye guys!)

Word count: 490

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