Chapter 10: Start of something new

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Adrien led Marinette towards the pool and smiled at the sight of Nino and Alya sharing a float in the pool.

"Hey Dude!" Nino called out at the sight of Adrien and Marinette. Alya pulled down her sunglasses and looked in their direction "Girl- did you forget your bikini bottoms?"

Adrien looked at Mari and she turned red with embarrassment. Adrien suddenly spoke-

"That's my fault- I distracted her when she was getting changed-"

Adrien had noticed Marinette's eyes widen and her cheeks turn crimson and then turned his attention to Alya and Nino who were smirking at them.
"Oh really? Distracted you say... How did you distract her?" Alya questioned in a teasing manner, which made Adrien realise what it sounded like he meant-

He quickly widened his eyes as a slight blush crept upon his face "N-Not like that! I had to get my towel, she had to stop getting changed so I could... Nevermind- Marinette, since it's my fault I'll go get them for you"

He couldn't believe that had just happened. 'I really need to think about what I'm saying before I speak. Not that I have anything against Marinette, she's really sweet and extremely beautiful... Very cute- it's just... I'm in love with Ladybug. Mari is just a really, really good friend.'

"Uh, thanks Adrien- b-but I'll get them. Since, I gotta change into them and... I can't really do that here-"

Adrien felt like his face was on fire, he looked down to the ground and waved it off, feeling like a pure idiot. "Oh right yeah hahaha okay well I'll see you in a bit then bye Marinette!" Whilst speaking he threw himself into the pool and stayed under water for a little bit contemplating his life choices.

Marinette giggled slightly and rushed off to get her bikini bottoms as Nino hopped off the float and swam towards Adrien, who popped up like a whack a mole at the sight of someone swimming near to him.

"Dude" Nino said "what was that?" He pointed in the direction Marinette walked in and Adrien shook his head viciously "I don't know! I got so nervous-"

"Dude, are you like... Crushing on Marinette?!" Nino questioned excitedly. "What?!" Adrien replied.

"Well, you got all nervous, you offered to go get her stuff for her, you're blushing-"

Adrien quickly interrupted "No, no no no. Marinette is just-"

"Don't say it-"

"Just a friend! And a very good one at that."

Nino sighed at his best friends statement. "Don't sigh at me- you know who I'm in love with-"

Alya suddenly popped up out of the water at the side of Nino. "Ooh boy gossip! Who's Adrien in love with?!"

"I'm back!" Marinette stated, standing in a cutesy pose in her bikini before rushing towards the pool and jumping in. Under the water all that you could see was two dark balls of blue and a pink blur speeding towards the trio before she suddenly popped up beside Adrien. After taking a breather she spoke.

"So. What did I miss?" She looked at the three of them, waiting for someone to catch her up on what's been going on.

"Well- Adrien" Alya started and looked at Adrien, his heart racing. "jumped into the water and made a massive splash. It was amazing, you should have seen it."

Adrien and Nino sighed with relief.

"Awe man, sounds epic. Did I miss anything else?"

(A/N- Hey guys! I know, I said I'd be uploading a ton during these holidays... But- I had NCS. I'm not busy tomorrow though so I'll get something down for that. If you enjoyed this chapter give it a rate and comment which is your favourite part. Thank you for reading and keep an eye out for more updates! Bye guys!)

Word count: 576

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