Part 28- A Deal

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"What do I want?" Lila questioned back, sounding as innocent as possible. "Oh well I already told you that. I want to make a deal."

Mari stayed quiet for a moment. "What deal?"

"I'm glad you asked!" Lila clasped her hands together before walking around Marinette, circling her like a vulcher. She suddenly stopped and spun Marinette to face her. Alya, Nino and Adrien watched from the water, unable to hear what was going on.

"Is that Lila?" Nino enquired. Alya grit her teeth and used all her power to stop herself from barging over there. Whatever Lila was up to, can't be good.

"I keep your lil secret identity... And you?" Lila teased.

"Just spit it out, Lila. My friends are getting suspicious."

"You have to stop being so buddy buddy with Adrien. Don't think I haven't noticed it. You two have become VERY close. Fetching your items, singing together, walking together, getting matching braids!" she scoffed. "It's disgusting..."

Marinette clenched her fist.

"So, you stop being all friendly with Adrien and if he asks you out, reject him... And if I find out that you've done anything other than what I've demanded, know that when you return, everyone will know the identity of ladybug. You're secret will be no more and I'm sure Chat Noir will stop being so desperately in love since he'll finally know what scum lies behind the mask. We got a deal?"

Mari stayed silent, biting her tongue and holding back tears. Just when things start to look up. Just when things between her and Adrien start to get better... Why can't she be happy? She saves Paris every day, keeps all the citizens safe and happy, and yet she's not even allowed to continue the growth of the relationship with her crush!

"Good." Lila finally stated after what felt like an eternity of silence. She then placed a hand on her hip, smiled brightly and waved at Marinette "well, seeya round!" before skipping away back to Chloe and Nethaniel.

Marinette slowly made her way back to the water and to her friends.

"What was all that about?" Alya half asked, half demanded. Mari faked a smile and threw the ball at her. "It was nothing! Don't worry about it. Come on, let's finish this game. Our points are even."

The 3 friends nodded in agreement and continued playing as Nethaniel turned to see Lila panting. "You okay Lila?"

"Huh? Oh yeah! Just went for a jog. Oh is that for me?"

Nate nodded. "Yeah, Chloe bought us all ice cream. Isn't that nice?"

"Yeah well, don't get used to it." Chloe stated as she huffed and crossed her arms. The 3 of them headed over to some sun loungers and ate their ice creams.

Soon enough they'd finished the game and Mari walked out of the water and towards the sun loungers. She grabbed her towel and dried herself until she was just damp and slipped her dress and sandals back on.

Adrien was concerned. Marinette was acting way out of character. He walked up behind her and rested a hand on her shoulder. "you sure you're okay Marinette? Something seems to be bothering you and I want to try and help you." Adrien stated.

"I'm fine" she stated bluntly and very quickly moved out of his grasp.

Alya and Nino watched her and just didn't get it. She'd had a massive change in attitude just after a conversation with Lila. Something weird definitely happened over there, and Alya wasn't going to wait around to find out what.

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