Chapter 19- The necklace

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Adrien suddenly woke and jumped to his feet at the sound of banging on the apartment door. He quickly checked the time; 

6:45 AM 

Who the hell would be banging on an apartment door at this time in the morning??

Adrien tiredly stumbled over to the door and opened it, rubbing his eye. It was non other than Miss Bustier with a very upset Lila standing behind her. "Morning Adrien" Miss Bustier called out in a monotone voice, it didn't sound like her chirpy glass half-full persona... 

"Is everything alright?" Adrien enquired, clearly distressed by this change in character. 

Miss Bustier sighed and shook her head slightly "Lila lost her necklace last night and has reason to believe that Marinette might have taken it, we're doing a full inspection in every apartment for it but due to Lila bringing up a name we must check this apartment first"

Adrien widened his eyes and looked at Lila, why did she suspect Marinette? She was with him all day yesterday apart from when she went to get her bikini bottoms and even then it was in such  short amount of time of her leaving and coming back completely in her swim suit that it would have been almost impossible for her to go into another apartment and take Lila's necklace... Besides, Marinette wouldn't do that. She'd kind and honest- she would never steal from anyone. "Miss Bustier, do you really believe Marinette could have stolen it? I mean, I was with her all day yesterday and we were nowhere near the apartments-" 

"Miss Bustier? Lila? ...Adrien, What's going on?" 

Adrien turned to see a very sleepy and very confused Marinette stood in the bedroom doorway. He smiled faintly at her as Miss Bustier spoke. "Marinette, Lila has lost her necklace and has reason to believe you have taken it... Now, if you have and you do have it, if you give it over now the consequences won't be as severe.." 

Marinette's sleepy eyes grew wide in shock and she gasped. "What? I haven't stolen anything!" She exclaimed, almost horrified that they would assume she would. 

Alya and Nino popped their head into the apartment door listening in to the conversation. 

"Well Marinette if that's so you wouldn't mind if we took a look around for it, would you?" Lila enquired, a small smirk on her face. The sight of her facial expression made Marinette grow pale- she just realised what was happening... She had been set up.  

(A/N- Hey guys! Just a short little update for you's, I may update again in a bit but I don't want to overwork myself and get a writers block- I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. If you did be sure to leave a rate and comment and please share with your friends, the more views I see on my stories the more it makes me want to update them :3 Thank you again for reading, keep an eye out for more updates and in the meantime... Stay awesome guys- peace!)

Word count: 418

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