The Demon Twins (The weekend Part 4)

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(I know thats Bendy and the ink machine butttt go with it)


I was on Tord's lap trying to get situated so we could go. I buckled us up and layed my head back on his muscular chest. This day was sooooooo long. The restraunt we were going to was called Lola. I have never been there so I didint know what to expect. Tord looked down at me and smiled and kissed my forehead. His lips were soft and pink. "I love you" I whispered. He responded with "I love you to". My phone went off in my pocket so I took it out and checked it. Paul texted me. I opened the text and read what it said. "Hey Bud. When you guys come home were sorry to say but you are going to have to stay home for the rest of the week" Paul texted. Wait what!? "Wait does that mean no school!" I texted back. "Mmmhm sorry bud" Paul responded. Tord was reading over my shoulder and when I looked up at him he had a look of realization.

Tord's POV

I can't believe I forgot!!! I have that meeting!! Oh no.... I HAVE TO INTRODUCE Y/N TO THEM!!! Oh no oh no oh no!!! Hes gonna know who I really am and leave me!!! Noooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! No no if he really loves me he'll stay. This is a test. I hope he pasts it.

I am so cruel. I'm so so so so so so so times infinity sorry that I haven't updated and that this is a short chapter. Bye

Word Count: 273

My Brother Tord (Tord X Male Reader) (Discontinued, Sorry)Where stories live. Discover now