Fight (Part 1)

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Your POV

I lunge at Tom and slash across his face. I hear him yelp and my body shiver, 'That was to easy'. I slowly back away and watch Tom chuckle. I feel myself start to become hazy and hot. I look down at my body and start to pant before falling on my back, 'FAEN! What the hell?!'. I look at my paw and see a small mark, a bite mark. Monsters like us can hold things in our teeth, I've learned this, 'Oh dritt, venom'. I bite into my arm and suck until the hazy feeling goes away. I get up and growl at Tom. I eject the venom from my teeth and growl at Tom as I lunge at him again. I slash at his throat which he evades and hits mine. I fall back coughing and see my body turn to half human. I see my tale and f/c take over my skin, then black. I slowly wake up to Doctor Matthew wrapping bandage around my head. He looks at me, "Tom hit you across the head immediately knocking you out since you had been weakened, you may also feel a bit of discomfort, we have given you a medically induced heat in which you will be tested over night on how long before you start to need friction" Doctor Matthew says, "And Red Leader will be staying here with you" He adds. I groan and lay my head back. I feel my self start to become hot and start to pant as I lay on the cot. They bring me into a room with a big glass, probably bullet proof window and chain my hands behind my back. Tord walks in and sits down in a chair infront of me. I sit on the floor half monster and panting with half closed eye lids. Tord crosses his legs and looks down on me, which in response I whimper to. "T-Touch me please Tord" I whine as I rub my head to the human sized shock collar around my neck. I tug and pull until my cuffs break. Tord sits and watches as I reach for my manhood. I go to touch it and feel a shock run threw mt body. I yelp and fall on my back. I start to claw at the collar and whine as Tord just watches with a smirk. I get back up and sit like a dog with my legs up and hands between them. I get into a crawling position and moan as my ass hits the cold air. I start to crawl to Tord and crawl onto his lap and sit down, "P-Please touch me Daddy, P-pretty please" I say as I grind down onto him and feel myself get shocked again. I whine and stop. "Nope" He responds smugly. I lean my head back and groan as I just fall into his chest and hot panting mess.

Hey guys, Im super sorry for the late and short chapter. Ill type the next part tomorrow maybe but I just wanted to post this so I can give you guys at least one chapter for now. Anyways, have a nice day/afternoon/night! Ha det!

Word Count: 535

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