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It's a cold December evening. A 15-year-old boy named Yoongi is running through the cold winter wind. He runs in a huge building and smiles at the view he sees inside. It's what he's looking for.

"Found it!!!"

Yoongi goes to the garderobe to give in his clothes. Slowly after starts to wander around the library. Yoongi's cheeks are cherry red from the cold and running. He had a grey sweater, that covers his neck, and some black pants with brown boots.

Yoongi got a bit lost and it's very obvious. While putting books on the shelves Hoseok soon notices someone.

"Need help?"

Yoongi gets a bit startled. He looks at Hoseok, his cheeks soon become redder, it's not noticeable because they were red since the moment he came in.

"A-ah sorry b-b...but where are the novels?"

"Right behind you!" Hoseok happily replays.

Yoongi looks behind, sadly doesn't notice anything. Yoongi gets a bit confused, what back is he talking about, and starts to turn in circles. Hoseok laughs softly and gets down to help. He gets closer to Yoongi and stops him.

"Ah w-where...?"Yoongi asks embarrassed.
Hoseok smiling points at the shelves behind Yoongi-"right there!"

Yoongi actually started to wonder something useless at the moment. Yoongi likes the person's voice, he started to wonder if his visuals are as pretty as his vocals.

"C....could you help me find a novel called 'When you have no hope'..."

Yoongi doesn't want to make this very hard for the worker, so he starts to search for his glasses in his bag.

"Of course!" Hoseok says hyped a bit.

As soon as Yoongi finds them and puts them on. Yoongi looks at Hoseok's, this time clear, face. His mind can't get the image off anyone just Hoseok, his face indeed is as pretty as his vocals. Hoseok goes to one of the shelves to find the book and soon sees the red and white novel.

"Here it is...." Hoseok says to himself and takes the book.

"Found it!" Hoseok comes up to Yoongi and smiles.

"D-do you need to register to get books?" Yoongi asks shy, as it's his first time in the biggest library in Korea. Hoseok nods in answer.

"Can I... R-register...?" Yoongi asks still being shy.

"Yes of course, please follow me!" Hoseok goes to a desk and sits down. Yoongi following sits opposite from Hoseok.

"Do need a picture of for the card?" Yoongi asks wondering does it work like in the last city he lived.

Hoseok nods in response. Yoongi takes his wallet out and hands a picture. A thing Yoongi didn't notice he give 2 photos. Hoseok looks at the photo, smiles and thinks to himself 'he's cute'. Before putting it down he notices he has got 2 photos. Hoseok puts one in his pocket.

"Do I just tell my information right now?" Yoongi looks at him still a bit confused.

"Yeah!" Hoseok says clearly to get the confusion away.

"Last name, name?"

"Min Yoongi..."

Hoseok types it on the computer.

"Your age?"


"Oh....and you're already reading novels?" Hoseok asks unsurprisingly.

"Ah, a..are novels age restricted here?" Yoongi asks a bit worried.

"No no! It's just that teens are rarely seen reading novels!" Hoseok says with a nice thought.

"I really like the novelist Jung Jung-jin (A/N lets say its Hoseok's father's name) his novels were the best...but he died last year..." Yoongi says a bit sad.

"Ahh.....yeah...." Hoseok frowns a bit, "He was really good...."

"You liked him as well?!" Yoongi says with a spark in his eyes.

"A lot..." Hoseok forces a small smile.

Yoongi noticing the forced smile frowns on the view-"don't force a smile, I like it when u have a natural smile..."

"Oh.....I will try.." Hoseok blushes on the comment.

Yoongi smiles on the reply and remembers something - "Did you know if you smile for 30 seconds your mind will start to think positive, and you will smile? Let's get back the registration?"

"Ahh sure.."Hoseok returns to his computer screen.

"What next?" Yoongi asks.

"Your address." Hoseok looks at Yoongi.

"Umm...Lime street 304..."

"Oh.." Hoseok smiles lightly. 'We're neighbours' he thinks to himself.

"School?" skips to the next question.

"Seoul Middle School."(A/N the street and the school is thought out I just have no idea of the names.)"Next year I'm going to a High school."

"Which one....if it isn't a secret" Hoseok inserts the information.

"Soseolga High school...But I'm not sure will I pass the entrance exams..."

"Don't worry, you will.....I know it!" Hoseok cheers him up and smiles.

Yoongi smiles at the view of Hoseok's smile and fixes his glasses a bit.

"Usually they ask for a phone number, do you need my phone number? Or do city libraries are different from the library of a small town?" Yoongi asks looking a bit shy at the question.

"Ah, I forgot about it!" Hoseok giggles softly.

Yoongi calls his phone number and soon they are finished with the registration. Hoseok hands the book to Yoongi. Yoongi smiles at the look of Hoseok pretty hands.

"Thank you...umm...where is a good place to read...i-in this library?"

Hoseok got Yoongi's point and is happy to help Yoongi.

"We have a little place there," Hoseok points at a place behind some shelves, "Behind them"

"O..ok.."Yoongi slowly stands up "Thank you-"

Suddenly some kids who ran in the library ran buy and their guardian accidentally pushed Yoongi so hard, he fell over the table. Thankfully he landed on Hoseok's lap. Some things fell out of his bag.

"O-ouch..." Yoongi says with some pain in his neck. He did do a somersault on Hoseok's table, didn't he?

"Are you okay?" Hoseok asks slightly worried.

I'm a moment Yoongi realizes he is sitting on Hoseok's lap. He slightly blushed.

"I-I I AM S-S SO S-SORRY!" Yoongi says bowing 90°.

"It's okay!" Hoseok smiles at the kindness of the boy. Yoongi was actually very easy surprising.

"I-I'll going, g...goodbye..." Yoongi says a bit embraced. Quickly Yoongi gets his clothes and walks out fastly.

"Bye..have a nice day~," Hoseok says before the boy leaves. Yoongi walks outside the library. The storm became much bigger before he came in. Snow hitting in his face, makes his face burn a bit. Yoongi starts to run to the nearest bus stop.

Age Doesn't Matter 4 Us · YoonseokWhere stories live. Discover now