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" was j..just a hug...."

"really? No way, you are blushing too much, it must be something else," Hoseok turns his head away to hide the blush, Jimin chuckling at the action.

"I...I'm not l..lying...."

"If a hug made you realize then you would be head over heals me for a long time," Jimin giggles awkwardly.


" Come on it must be something else... Your face is screaming something else, he kisses you yesterday...didn't he?" Hoseok turns as red and hot as lava, wondering was it that obvious.

" No! " Is the only thing that came out from his mouth.

"Hm?" Yoongi suddenly wakes up from the loud no, "Ah- sorry Hoseok....for falling asleep," he giggles.

"'s okay..." Hoseok smiles at the cute younger in front of him, he looked breathtaking when he woke up.

"Hoseok, I'll go upstairs I'm a bit tired," A yawn escapes the youngers mouth.

"Okay...go and rest...." Hoseok ruffles his hair before Yoongi leaves.

"Be honest with me, don't lie. Did he kiss you?"


he did...." Hoseok quickly turns away. Jimin smirks, to look as normal.

"Did you enjoy it?" Hoseok's face turns redder if possible. He hides his face in his hands and turns around his back facing Jimin.

"Hoseok~Be honest you actually enjoyed it~"

"And if I did?....." Older mumbles still hiding his face.

"I'm happy for you. I won't have to worry anymore. I would need to only support your relationship, then get free food at your wedding, be your best man!" Jimin jokes.

"Thank you, Jimin..."

Jimin smiles, "You can do it Hoseok!"

"Can I hug you?" Hoseok looks at Jimin with tears of joy.

"Sure! You know I'm always open for hugs!" Jimin leans in and hugs the older tightly.

"You should return to your true love if something happens my hands are all ways open for you!" Jimin lets go of him standing up.

"You're the best friend I ever had...." Hoseok hugs him tighter one last time. Soon let's go of him.

"Come on go cuddle your Yoongi, not me!" Jimin dresses up.


"I'll see you at work Hoseok! Bye," Jimin leaves slowly.


Jimin drives home with tears streaming down his cheeks, thank god he got safe home. It hurts to see the person he just loves so much, leaving him. As they say, if you love them you need to learn to let go of them as well.

Yoongi is sleeping in Hoseok's bed. Softly cuddling anything close to him. Hoseok goes and turns off the television and goes to his room.

He smiles seeing the younger sleeping so softly and peacefully, like a kid...but he is one. Hoseok goes and lays down next to Yoongi. Yoongi softly wakes up at the feeling someone going next to him, younger blinks a bit when he notices that the scent is older's he snuggles up to the older hugging him tightly. Hoseok, with no hesitation, hugs the Younger back.

"What were you talking about?" the younger feels a small tension that the elder has.

"Ah, nothing important...." Yoongi snuggles to the older's chest.

"Hoseok...why were you sad,"

"Uhhhhhh. ...because I felt lonely when you were in school. ..." Hoseok says hiding his face in the youngers hair.

"But Jimin?"

"Still.....I felt lonely..."

"But Jimin seems fun" Yoongi doesn't get the situation a bit.

"Yeah, he is...."

"How could have you felt lonely?" He had a fun person around and felt lonely?

"I don't know...."

"Plus I'll leave your house soon,"

"Why? " Hoseok says with sadness in his voice.

"When mom calms down I'll go back, you'll just see me come to make you breakfast when you have your shift sometimes walk home on Saturday go to the library if mom allows,"

"Oh......" Hoseok still doesn't like the idea.

Yoongi looks at the older and notices that Hoseok became really sad. He brakes the hug and slides up to you,

"Don't be sad...Be as happy when you saw me coming home"

"I will try..." Hoseok smiles.

"What's so sad about me leaving? It's not like I'm moving away,"

"I know...."

"Are you lonely?" Yoongi looks in his eyes. Hoseok nods and frowns a bit.

"Hoseok~" Yoongi strokes his cheek, "How about you try to confess to them and maybe ask them to move in with you? Then you won't be lonely. You won't need me anymore,"

"But I don't know if that person likes me............"

"If you don't try, you won't know"

"I'm really afraid to do it... ...I'm afraid that I will be rejected. ...."

"And if you look at romance novels, how close they are to the person who loves back?"

"Uhhhh.....really close?"

"So they have to love you back..."

"I don't know if I'm even that close with them....."

"Tell me how close they are, well, like, your story,"

"Like a story?"

Yoongi nods, " How you met them, fell in love, maybe I can help, I have read a lot,"

"Uh...we met not so long a week or less...It was really cold and stormy always I was working, there was a person that asked for help...all I can say is...that person is pretty....after helping them and registering....they run out of the library, I noticed that they left I decided to find them...I found them, gave them back what they left...after I left work and went home I met them again, they wanted to thank me.....after arguing a little bit and sometimes, they visited me again.....we got to know each other a little bit better....after that day we were meeting a lot.....the moment I knew I liked this person for real was when that person kissed me....then I was completely sure....Soooo.....that's how it happened...."

Yoongi yawns with tiredness, " It's close to our story," Yoongi giggles, " but I actually left the item that you returned,"


"How come I haven't met them?" Yoongi closes his eyes.

"Maybe you had"

Yoongi, sleeping next to the person who loves him so much. Unknown feelings in the sky seem as if it is a normal talk brothers would have, but they aren't related. Yoongi doesn't get one thing. He doesn't understand himself.

"Is it Jimin?"

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