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: Hoseok
You there?
You're sleeping I guess
Well then.. sweet dreams~

Hoseok sighs, "Maybe he really is sleeping.....I should go to bed...," He then goes to his room and starts to get ready for bed.

"YAAAA YOONGI STOP READING ALREADY!!!!!" Yoongi's mom yells.

Hoseok walks around his room and soon notices that Yoongi's room has a light on. Yoongis mom opens the window in his room holding a book out. You can clearly see that Yoongi is crying, as well as hear.


'What is happening there?' The elder thinks to himself.


"I-i know, " Yoongi cries, " I just want your support! Why don't you hug me? Ask me what's wrong? W-why do you throw books out?!"

Yoongi knocks on Hoseok's door at 3 a.m. Hoseok slowly wakes up and gets out if the bed. He goes out of his room to the door looking at the clock, " It's only 3 a.m......" He slowly opens the door.

"Y..yoongi?" the elder askes with a worried tone. Clearly, Yoongi is crying. Moonlight softly letting the light shine on his pale skin, with crystal clear tears dropping down his reddish pale cheeks.

"..can I stay at y...your house f...for a while?" There is a clear shaky tone in him.

"Of course!" Hoseok pulls him in a hug the younger deserves. Yoongi hugs back tightly, tears just streaming non-stop. Yoongi tried to hold them in, but the state he's at doesn't let him.

"Let's go inside....." Hoseok suggests letting go of him and leading him inside. Yoongi takes his shoes off and looks at the ground
"Hoseok... I know its wired but..." Hoseok looks at him softly, "What is it?"

"I need some a normal family....can I sleep with you and cuddle you..." Yoongi says that with embarrassment creeping in. Hoseok blushes at the suggestion.


"T...thank you," Yoongi cleans his tears and takes a hold of the older's hand. Hoseok looks at him and smiles softly at the cute action.

"Let's go to sleep.."

Yoongi nods his head and follows him. They go to Hoseok's bedroom and both get in the bed next to each other. Yoongi hugs Hoseok and snuggles closer to his chest, feeling comfortable around the older.

"Feeling a bit better?"

"Yea...I love you'

re company" Yoongi lets go of him to move up and face the older. Yoongi was about to say something but his eyes caught his attention. He just looked at Hoseok's eyes. Moonlight blessing his eyes and perfectly clean skin. He looks like an art piece at an art museum.

" okay?"

Yoongi realizes that he'd been staring at the elder for a while, "Ah- sorry for starring, they are just pretty, I mean your eyes." Hoseok blushes at the compliment, at that moment Hoseok thought he could see hearts in the younger's eyes, but shook it off.

"T...they're not..." the elder says in slight embarrassment.

"They are Hoseok," Yoongi moves closer till their noses are just an inch away.

"Hoseok your eyes are pretty..." Yoongi strokes the older's cheek. Hoseok looks at Yoongi's eyes, cheeks becoming redder. Yoongi softly slides his arm to the older's ear playing with it a bit then continues till the hair and strokes it. His face puts a smile upon his face seeing the art piece in front of him. He moves his head closer so their noses touch. Yoongi closes his eyes and continues to stroke you softly. Hoseok, on the other hand, holds his breath for a moment, his face becomes redder and redder. Yoongi notices that Hoseok's soft breath stooped to hit against his pale skin.

Yoongi fastly leans to a kiss. Hoseok immediately responds back. Their lips fitting for one another like a pair of wings, a perfect set. You can't fly with one wing, but having the other makes you stronger. That's how they felt. The moment was just the best for both of them.

Yoongi softly pulls out of the kiss looking in his eyes and smiles like a kid just got his toy," Don't die on me Hoseok~"

Hoseok blushes really dark and quickly turns to the other side to hide his dark red blush. Yoongi frowns, "I'm sorry..." he hugs him and soon falls asleep. Soon Hoseok notices that the younger is asleep and soon himself falls asleep too.

Yoongi wakes up by 5 o'clock in the morning. He looks at the sleeping beauty, making his mood happier. He softly lets Hoseok go and goes to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast.

He soon finishes and goes up to wake the Older up. Yoongi lays next to him, the elder still sleeping peacefully. He slowly strokes the older's cheek.

"Your so peacfull~


I made you breakfast~" He continues to stroke his cheek, his mother used to wake him up like that when he was smaller. Hoseok slowly opens his eyes, Yoongi not missing the chance to look at the deep pretty eyes.

"Good morning~... " Hoseok says it in a really sleepy voice with a huge smile on his face.

" I made you breakfast," Yoongi smiles.

"You didn'," Hoseok yawns.

"Why? You wouldn't have eaten if I didn't, today you have a free day, I looked in the calendar. But I have to be in school early, if you don't want to wake up early and want to eat alone, you can go back to sleep," He slowly sits up.

"Ok ok...I will wake up ...."

"I'm not making you Hoseok. If you want to sleep, please," Yoongi smiles at the older's action, "I don't want to ruin a free day,"

"But I will wake up and go and eat breakfast with you..." Hoseok pouts cutely. Yoongi giggling softly. Hoseok sits up and stretches a bit.

"Tea, coffee?"



Yoongi goes down and starts to make the older his coffee. Hoseok slowly gets up and goes out of the room. He sleepily walks in the kitchen and looks at the younger and smiles. While sitting down and just admiring the pretty person working in his kitchen he almost misses the chair.

"Ah-" Yoongi notices and runs up to him and hugs you so you don't fall down.

Hoseok laughs at the youngers reaction, "I'm so clumsy in the morning...."

"Its ok," Yoongi giggles and lets go of him, "but next time be more careful."

"Have a nice meal Hoseok~" Yoongi sits down and starts to eat.

"Thank you~" Hoseok smiles and starts eating.

Yoongi, as soon as he finishes eating, he quickly washes the dishes.

"I guess have a nice free day Hoseok..."

Hoseok stands up and goes to hug the younger.

"You too..have a nice day," He smiles at the feel of the younger. It doesn't take long for Yoongi to respond with the hug, for his surprise even a tight one.

"I'll come back when school finishes...Is it ok if I stay for a while?" Yoongi asks in a worried tone, he doesn't want to bother the older one.

"Yeah, but when you will come back you will tell me what happened yesterday, okay?"

"O...ok..." Yoongi kisses his cheek, as he does to his mom before leaving, "bye mo-i mean Hoseok!" He giggles softly and waves to the older leaving to school.

It's 10 a.m. and Hoseok gets a call from Jimin. Hoseok soon picks up.


"I'm sorry about yesterday..."

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