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Jimin on the other hand just made it back to his work. His face is just burning.

"Yoooo did u hear this storm is the biggest snow storm that Korea that we had in years!!! While running to here my face was on fire with the snow hitting my fice like knifes. This one boy who ran out, he didn't even have a hat, I don't understand teenagers these days!" Jimin says giving Hoseok some lunch coffee.

"Lunch time Hobi! Oh-" Jimin picks up the hat that's under Hoseok's table.

"Your hat fell." Jimin hands it to Hoseok.

"That's not... my" Hoseok looks wired on the hat.

"Than why is it under you?" Jimin giggles.

"Did you forget how your hat looks?"

"No, im sure it's not my hat. Uhhh....someone might have dropped it and didn't notice...." Hoseok sighs.

"Here?! Don't people walk there?" Jimin shows his hand over the tables.

Hoseok thinks for a moment about the hat.


"Then I know whose hat is it! .....I will be back" Hoseok stands up.

"Yea don't hurry it's your brake anyway..."

"Give me that hat..." Hoseok takes the hat from Jimins arms. Hoseok runs to puts on his jacket. As fast as possible runs out of the library.

Yoongi is waiting at the buss stop. It's freezing cold as Jimin said, the biggest snow storm in years.

"Ohhhh....it's cold...." Hoseok starts walking.

The snowflakes are hitting his face like billions of small knives. After a while of hard walking Hoseok spots a bus stop. As he gets closer he spots something at the bus stop or someone, at that point you can barely see. Hoseok fastly starts to run to it.

Yoongi sleezes." when will it b...be here?" Yoongi asks to himself.

Soon Hoseok reaches the bus stop and sees Yoongi.

"Min Yoongi?" he asks.

Yoongi gets startled and looks surprised at Hoseok.

"You startled me... "

"Ah sorry .." Hoseok frowns a bit.

"It's ok!" Yoongi somehow manages to smile even if is still shaking and freezing.

"I wanted to give you back your hat.." Hoseok gives it to Yoongi.

"Ah...t...thank you..." Yoongi puts it on, surprisingly he is still as cold and is shaking. Yoongi remembers something from a physics class and looks at Hoseok a bit shy.

"Can y...you maybe wait...a...atleast 10 ...m...minutes...." Yoongi looks down a bit embarrassed to ask."If y...you don't want to o..off course y...you can go back!...."

"I will wait"

"Can I...hug y..you s....so i...its w-warmer?....." Yoongi still looks down a bit embarrassed.

"Come here!" Hoseok smiles at the suggestion. Yoongi hugs Hoseok tight because is feeling really cold. Yoongis body temperature is a bit cold still. His body automatically is still shaking to warm him up. Hoseok with no hesitation puts his arms around Yoongi. Yoongi loves hugs plus "you smell nice~," he says his thoughts out loud.

"Do I? " Hoseok replied with a smile back.

"Y...you h...heard that?...." Yoongi lightly blushes.

Age Doesn't Matter 4 Us · YoonseokWhere stories live. Discover now