My son's problem

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" Was the person injured, love? You took quite some time, " Jimin asks looking up to his lover, Hoseok.

"Ahhh, he's okay now...I think " Hoseok looks outside the big glass wall.

" This time we stay at your place right? " Jimin quickly changed the topic, smiling up to the other.

" Yeah, " Hoseok smiles. Jimin stands up, picking the given in books, to put back in the shelves, and kisses Hoseok's cheek, " Can't wait~ " Jimin takes off.

As time leaves, it becomes late lunch soon to change into the evening, a soft twilight outside the window. Yoongi looks outside, his window showing to the elders bedrooms window. Suddenly a dose of memories flow in his head, Yoongi feels the urge of crying come to him again, but he cried too much that the tears wont come out.

Jimin gives Hoseok a butterfly kiss, " I love you so so much, sweety~ "

Hoseok smiles at his loving and clingy boyfriend " Love you tooo~ " he kisses Jimin, slowly, receiving a kiss back.

Yoongi looks out closer to your window, seeing two shadows, " that Jimin? " he asks to himself.

Jimin pulls Hoseok towards the window to enjoy both the pretty sky tonight and the man of his dreams in his hands.

Jimin kisses the other again, " Even the sky can't pull off your beauty, " he giggles making Hoseok blush.

" Ahh, stop..... " Hoseok smiles and looks away to hide his shy self.

Yoongi on the other side looking at the view somehow affects his brain more and more tears start to form in his eyes, he's crying again.

" I don't like the view, " he quietly sobs out.

Jimin ends up picking the other up with te strong hands he has, while holding Hoseok's legs he lands a kiss on the others neck, " It's bedtime princess~"

In the early morning, suddenly Hoseok's doorbell rings. Jimin being a deep sleeper isn't effected so he still sleeping not considering the noise at all, plus both of them have a free day today.

"Ahhh....who visits- " Hoseok looks at the clock," this early........... "

Hoseok gets out of the bed carefully and slowly, not to wake up Jimin. Hoseok goes out of the room and goes slowly to the front entrance. He opens the door, to find Yoongi with a plastic bag with a box of warm food or something in the bag.

" G-good morning I made you- "

Before Yoongi gets to finish, he gets a door shut to his face. Yoongi frowns, he looks at the outside table that you put flowers on in summer, he cleans the snow off and leaves the cupcakes on the table. He slowly makes his way back to his house.

Meanwhile, Hoseok goes slowly back to his room and lays on the bed next to Jimin. Hoseok thought to open the window for fee seconds to let some air in. He suddenly hears Yoongi's mom screaming on the top of her lungs on to Yoongi, but Yoongi just runs away, she screamed something to the words like, " you've been missing school too much ", " you should move away if you don't want to go to school, " and so on.

Jimin wakes up to the cold breeze hitting him and Hoseok goes back next to Jimin, " who was that bae? " Jimin says in a sleepy voice while slowly cuddling closer to you.

" Ahh someone just got a bit lost.... " Hoseok lies.

" A tourist? " Jimin asks surprised.

" Y..yeah... "

Jimin starts to sinff, " smells like something's burning... " Jimin gets out of the bed to close the window but suddenly seas something unexpecting.

" Your neighbours are soo weird and psychopathic... "

" W..what's wrong....? "

" That lady that was screaming at something or someone a moment ago now is burning and throwing out books... Some crazy woman... Plus there is a whole mountain of books there, should we call the cops? "

Hoseok gets up from the bed and goes to the window, he notices Yoongi's mom burning all the books they have in the house.

" I..I will go and talk to her.... "

"Oh gosh if what call the cops, I'll keep an eye out for you, be careful, love. " Jimin lands a kiss on Hoseok's lips.

Hoseok smiles and dresses up, " don't worry......I will be careful, " he goes out of the room and then out of the house quickly and runs to Yoongi's house's backyard.

Yoongis mom throws a book in the fire but gets startled with Hoseok speaking up, " Uhh...excuse me....? " he coughs.

Yoongi's mom looks at Hoseok, " did you get in the house? "

" T..the door was open... " he mutters out.

" God I forgot to lock it after he ran away... " She shouts out, " are you a neighbour- "

" Y..yoongi ran away...? " Hoseok cuts her sentience receiving a nod.

" The fire will go out soon, so don't worry. " She smiles.

" B..but why are you burning them? " Hoseok asks almost screaming.

" It's my son's books, he said he wanted to get rid of them right now. "

Yoongi would never

" I know that he has never said a thing like that... It doesn't sound like him...he really likes reading these books...why would he want to burn them? "

" He doesn't need them, " Yoongi's mom says plainly.

" How do you know that...? " He looks at her with mad eyes

" I know he loves them...but he really got ruined by them, " she sighs.

" How can books ruin him? "

" We left Degu because he got bullied in his school for loving books, you know book worm and such, I wanted the best for him, I wanted to burn the past. Now he is getting bullied here as well... " massages her templets.

" But they are like a part of him... " Hoseok comments.

" He can find them everywhere, anywhere, I have burned a lot last year but he found them again, and he still reads them over and over, his grades dropped like hell this month, plus he has skipped school a lot now, he always came in ignoring me and just going to his room crying and reading books, like some robot programmed to do that, I want to just destroy the robot in him. "

" Do you really think that burning them will change something? "

" I know it probably won't since he has a different problem that you cant burn- " she sobs and soon brakes down into tears.

" Can we go inside and continue there? " Hoseok suggest.

" O-ok, " she sobs out.

" But first we need to do something about the fire... " Yoongis mom gets a fire extinguisher and puts the fire out.

" let's go... " Hoseok nods and goes to the door and opens it to let Yoongi's mom go inside first. Hoseok sits down in the kitchen while Yoongi's mom makes them some tea.
She sits down opposite to Hoseok.

" So, can you tell me everything that happened? "

She sighs and starts, " A month ago Yoongi came out to me as gay...I support him of course...He was happy to hear that from me, he keeps making some sweets, and go wait for someone, he said he wanted to apologize to someone- "

" W...wait he's gay? "

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