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"Did you take your lunch?" Yoongi asks looking at Hoseok's hands that don't seem to have the lunch bag in them.

Hoseok just lets out an Oh and goes to the kitchen to take it."Almost forgot..." Yoongi smiles at the older taking his made lunch.
" I hope it is delicious, Let's get going" they go out of Hoseok's house and Hoseok locks the door. They slowly start to walk to the library.

"Hoseok, do you like someone?"

"There is someone....And you?"

"Hmmm, not at the moment... I think so...Are they your girlfriend?" Hoseok shakes his head as a no.

"You haven't confessed?"Hoseok shakes his head again.

"How long do you know the person? Is it like a love from the first sight?"

"Well, it might be.." Hoseok giggles awkwardly.

"Are they short?" Hoseok nods.

"Do you have a big age gap between? Most people have problems with age gaps, I don't understand why?" Yoongi admits.

"People would think it is a big age gap..." Hoseok adds.

"Are they Older or younger than you?"


"Age is nothing for me, to be honest"


"True loves is if you love someone really good" Yoongi Continues.

"That's true....."

"I don't care if I end up with someone 10 years older or younger than me if I Love them Age wouldn't matter for us, What do you like in them?" Yoongi changes the question and looks at Hoseok, wanting to know what is his type of person he wants.

"The way they laugh, their smile, their eyes, voice.....everything"

"Do they like you back?"

"I don't know yet...."

"When are you thinking to confess?"

"I'm not sure when...maybe it will never happen..."

"Why? Your such a nice person, I bet they won't hate you even after confession. I would never do that" Hoseok sighs at the statement.

"I don't think so?"

"Yes! If that person hates you, they would have left you-Ah no" Yoongi frowns, for him the thought of leaving a sunshine like Hoseok is far, How? Such a nice person? Someone leaving them?

"They look sad.......what's wrong?" Hoseok waited for the youngers response.

"Just...I don't want to leave you...." Hoseok looks at the Younger in a bit of confusion, where did that come from?


"B..because your..s...such a nice person, I don't want to leave you alone...lonely"

"I...I'm not l-lonely "

"I...I mean, I don't want people to leave you..."

"W...why are you worried about t-that..?"

"Because I want you happy... I don't know why, but just so..."

"I am happy......" Hoseok tries to smile for the younger. Yoongi takes the older's hand and holds it.

"Hoseok...I want you to BE happy for yourself, not me..."

"'s not that e....easy..."

"Is something bothering you" Yoongi looks at Hoseok with a worried look.


"You sure? Feel free to let it all out...I want you to smile....l-like they say...I want to make you happy" Hoseok sighs, he does want that, but why forcing Yoongi to do it, let him be happy as well.

" don't have t-to"

"You deserve this Hoseok, nice people need more attention, everyone ignores them" Younger holds the older's hand tighter.

"T...thank you " Hoseok suddenly hugs the younger.

My heart... it's pounding... FAST. My face feels like on fire. My hands are sweating a bit but I manage to hug back.

"You shouldn't thank me! Be happy and appreciate what you have and take the opportunity when you have one"

"I..I will try ...." Out of no-where, Yoongi starts to stroke Hoseok's hair. Hoseok just looks at the cutie and smiles. They slowly pull out the hug.

"We don't want you to be late, do we?"

They both slowly continue the way to the library like nothing much happened. It's sad that Hoseok didn't use his 1st chance here to confess. I wonder if he felt his heartbeat.

Age Doesn't Matter 4 Us · YoonseokWhere stories live. Discover now