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"Most of some writers kids, actually hate books."

"That's true..."

"I'm just a stupid person who is obsessed with your father's novels" he giggles at his own truth and blushes in embarrassment.

"You're not stupid...."

"Well, mom thinks I'm just crazy by reading so much...Plus I only have good grades in Literature, Korean and sometimes history...But mostly I have the lowest marks in class." He gets a bit depressed and sighs.

"Cheer up! You can do better.....I can help you ...."

"Ah..but you have work and all grown up things like bills, and so on, to worry. Plus maybe your wife wouldn't be fine with you teaching a stranger boy..." Yoongi giggles awkwardly.

"Don't worry about that... Somehow it is a bit awkward... But I'm not married..."

"Ah!" Yoongi blushes even more, " I..im s...so sorry f...for m..misunderstand..."

"It's okay!" Hoseok smiles it off.

"Let's eat the cake before its cold!" Hoseok starts to cut up the cake.

"Oh, yeah..."

Soon the Sunday morning comes, Yoongi is finally free from studies. Yoongi had thought to go to the library...maybe meet someone...

Yoongi goes in the library looking around hoping to see someone. Yoongi goes to the dressing room and gives his clothes to the lady. Yoongi starts to look around, look at some books maybe, but...hoping to find Hoseok today.

"I hope it is his shift today..." Yoongi whispers to himself.

Hoseok sits at his table and reads some random book.

Yoongi sighs, he can't seem to find Hoseok anywhere around. Yoongi sits somewhere by some table and started to study and do his homework.

"Look that's the hot nerd from our school!" some girls whisper.

Hoseok stands up and goes to poot the book back down

Yoongi stands up searching for Jung's novel.

Hoseok notices some familiar face, Yoongi, he thinks to himself.

" What are you looking for?" Hoseok walks up to Yoongi.

"Agh-" Yoongi gets startled and falls by the sudden voice.

Hoseok runs to Yoongi to help him stand up, " I'm sorry...I didn't want to scare you..."

"It is ok!" Yoongi smiles seeing Hoseok here today.

"I thought I'm not going to see you all week" Yoongi frowns at the idea.

Yoongi searches for something in his bag. He gives Hoseok the shirt that Hoseok let him borrow.

"Thank you for letting me borrow it!" Hoseok smiles and takes it.

"I have end term exams next week... but recently a book that was supposed to go out last year came out this week. Ah, why is everything so hard on me" Yoongi gets depressed a bit, he wants to spend his time doing what he loves and to get his hands on the book, but school is just killing him and most of the students.

"I can help you if you want!"

"But it is your shift, isn't it?"

"Yeah it is....but I have some free time while no one needs help."

"O..ok, but at first I have a question..."

"Go on"

"You heard that one of your father's books was delayed to this year...It came out this week Tuesday...." Hoseok nods and continues to listen.

"I...im w...wondering d...do you have it yet...."

"Well I have it, but the library doesn't have it yet though..."

"Ah ok I'll just wait till library has it...So you wanted to help..."

"Yeah.." Hoseok nods.

"Let's go sit down somewhere...." They both start walking till they reach the table and they sit next to each other.

"So...with what I can help you with?"

"Well, I might have some problems with math..."Yoongi gets his math textbooks out.

"I have problems with this," Yoongi points his finger to one of the tasks he doesn't get that good.

"Ohhh...this!" Hoseok starts to explain the task. Yoongi is a bit confused but tries to understand the task in front of him. He looks at the answers and the tasks.

"Mh...I think I kind of got it" He looks at the answers a bit again.

"I will give you another task and you will do it by yourself .." Hoseok searches for a task like that in Yoongi's book. He gives a bit harder one to the younger. Yoongi starts to do the task looking a bit confused but slowly getting it by himself.

How can you be so......beautiful Hoseok thinks to himself looking at the younger.
Hoseok smiles to himself How can your eyes be so beautiful with joy in them~

Wait I'm spacing out too much Hoseok looks at the progress for the younger.

"So....how is it going with the task?"

"Hoseok... I think I'm finished..." Yoongi smiles looking at his accomplished task.

"Let me see it.." Hoseok takes the textbook that Yoongi hands him.

"Everything is correct" Hoseok smiles at how good and fast the younger learned it, or to say remembered it.

"REALLY?!" The Younger smiles exited. He looks at the elder's eyes.

"Thank you for helping me with this one~"

"You're welcome! Anything else you need help with?"

"Mh....are you good in art?"

"Well.......not that good?And you?"

"N...no, I just thought you could maybe help me a bit..."

"Actually no one has seen me draw .....But what do you have to do?"
"Well, could you then..." Yoongi takes a book out and some sort of sketch on it, he turns to Hoeseok and puts his legs up a bit to hold the book and the paper hiding the picture. "please look at me and smile for a bit?"

"Uhh ok..." Hoseok smiles as said, he looks at the younger scribbling something. I wonder what he's drawing he thinks to himself.

After some time Yoongi looks into Hoseok's eyes, "Thank you~"

Yoongi starts to put everything in his backpack and secretly folds the drawing.

"Are you down to dinner today? Moms away and I thought to invite you, I...If y...your busy just s...say so," Yoongi shutters for some reason.

"I'm not busy...I will come!" Hoseok thinks it would be nice to visit the younger.

" I will wait!" A smile draws down on to the younger.

"Thank you for today? Goodbye, hug as friends?"

"Ok, what time then?"

"Let's say by 7 or some time by that."

They both hug, as friends. Yoongi secretly slips the folded paper into Hoseok's pocket not noticeably.

"Ok" They both break the hug and say their goodbyes for each other.

Age Doesn't Matter 4 Us · YoonseokWhere stories live. Discover now