New emotion

160 15 3

Yoongi after a hard day of school takes a visit to the library. One of the reasons being Hoseok. Yoongi gives in his clothes at the wardrobe and starts to wander around a bit hoping to see the older

Hoseok is cleaning up a bit and putting books on shelves. Soon Yoongi notices Hoseok. Hoseok... Yoongi goes up and hugs him from the back. Hoseok gets startled a bit, but soon feels safe and loved in the hug.

"I really hate my new classmates," Yoongi says while hugging the older boy a bit tighter.

"What happened?"

"They all think I'm gay...some made fun of...some confessed...How did this even start..." Yoongi remembers the screams and laughs at him at school all these flashbacks from today make him regret a lot. Some tears start to stream down but Yoongi doesn't notice.

"How can someone be mean to this cutie...?" Hoseok turns around to face the younger."You know....just ignore them, Don't cry.." Hoseok smiles softly and wipes away the younger boy's tears.

" n..not..." Yoongi blushes a bit.

Hoseok leans closer warping hands around Yoongi's neck pulling him closer in a close hug. Yoongi is a bit surprised but hugs Hoseok back as soon.

"Why am I so stupid" Yoongi giggles a bit, some tears still streaming down. "I want to make you happy, but in the end your doing the opposite"

"Am I?"

"I'm sorry" Yoongi pulls out of the hug, breaking the warm touch. "I'm sorry for making a huge deal with something so small"

"'s ok..." Hoseok smiles.

"I....g...guess I'll just go home to not bother...."

"Stay!......I'm a little can make me" Hoseok tried his best to make the younger boy stay.

"sure. Let me help you then!" Yoongi smiles at the fact he can stay longer with the older boy.

A while passes, they both are putting books in the right order and come back, cleaning dust off. Yoongi wanted to hear Hoseok's voice so speaks up first.

" Ummm...Hoseok, when do you think of confessing to the person ?"

"Confessing? I....uhhh.....I'm still thinking about that...." Hoseok shuttered a bit.

"I can't wait to meet the person you love, they must be as nice as you, I wish I was a girl" Yoongi sighs but it turns into a small giggle.

"Wellll. ..the person might be even nicer than me...." Hoseok smiles looking at the younger.

"Why do you think so? You are like the nicest person on earth, you can't even kill the spider even if you are afraid of it-" Yoongi notices something on Hoseok's finger, he takes his hand.

"W...what is"

"you have a paper cut..." Yoongi still holding his hand takes a bandage from his bag.
"Oh.....nothing serious, Just a paper cut.....Ah-... Yoongi I don't need it. will stop bleeding....soon"

"It's a deep cut Hoseok... I'm not the type who licks without please lick some blood off...So the bandage can hold on..."

" I really have to?"

"I...I can it if you really don't want to...
If not clean, it can infect...Or let's run to the restroom the closest one"

"Ummm....o...okay...I will. it, the restroom is far from here." Hoseok turns a little bit away and licks blood off of his finger. Yoongi puts the bandage around the cut and kisses it.

"There. Now it will heal faster" Yoongi smiles at a good job done.

"T..thank" Hoseok blushes slightly at the action.

Yoongi looks at you notices the blush. " ok?" the younger puts his hand on Hoseok's cheek. "It's really hot...Hoseok your not sick, are you?"

"I'm..o...okay. M..maybe it's just an l-little bit warm in here"

"I'm freezing, how can you be so warm" Yoongi giggles.

"Let's go drink tea when your finish"

They both get back to work, Yoongi keeping an eye so Hoseok doesn't get injured as well.

Why am I even so worried?

"HOSEOKKKK!" Jimin runs around searching for the other.

"What is it? And keep in quiet." Hoseok comes out from behind of one of the shelves.

"your shifts done" Jimin gives Hoseok some papers. "And Joon wants you to do these papers on the new books"

"oh okay will be done" Hoseok takes them and smiles.

"OML THANK YOU!!!!!!" Jimin hugs Hoseok.

"You're welcome.."

Jmimin pulls out of the hug - " By the way what about a dinner at 8? I don't wanna eat alone"

"I have plans already...."

"Come on at 8? Its like in.....3 h, what are you doing?"

"okay....." Hoseok sighs.

"THANK YOOOUUUUUUUU" Jimin hugs the other tightly.

"J..jimin me go, you're ....hugging me.....too tight"

" Ah sorry!" Jimin let's go of Hoseok.

"So at 8?"

Jimin nods - " I'll get you at 7.40"

"Okay," Hoseok smiles. "I will wait"

"You can go home now" The shorter smiles and goes away.

Yoongi feels a bit wired after what he saw and heard. His heart is like turning around. He has an urge to cry or scream.

"Yoongi!" Hoseok goes back to the younger boy.

"Hm..." Yoongi answers looking at him a bit sad.

"My shift- what's wrong? You look .....sad" Hoseok gets worried.

"Ah- it's fine! Your shift ended right?"

"Yeah" Hoseok smiles.

"Let's go home."

Yoongi gets some tea and cookies for both of them and sits down next to Hoseok. Yoongi is thinking about the emotion he had when Jimin asked him out. He can't stop the urge to get mad at Jimin. He just shakes it off for now

"Hoseok...who was that?"


"That boy."

"Oh, you're talking about Jimin. I'm working with him."

"You are close with him?"

"We're just friends" they both smile.

"He seems fun"

"He is" Hoseok nods.

They both drink the tea and eat some cookies with it.


Never mind-"

"Hm? What is it?"

"I said never mind..."

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