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At 5.30 Yoongi was by Hoseok's house and he pressed the doorbell making Hoseok wake up from his nice sleep. Hoseok looks up at the clock.

"Ahh, who comes this early...."

He slowly gets out of the bed and walks to the door and yawns slightly. He looks still tired since he just woke up.

"coming.." another yawn escapes the older as he opens the door, he is surprised to see the younger.

"oh you really came "

"You can go back to sleep" Yoongi smiles. " I waited till you ley me in. When breakfast is ready I'll call you down, so you can go back to sleep, take rest"

"Ahh...okay" Hoseok lets the younger in and closes the door. Lazy and slow Hoseok goes back to his room.

Yoongi dresses off and enters the kitchen. Hoseok stops for a moment.

"Uh..... do you need any help?"

"No, I'm fine, go take rest!"


"I can manage, I took a look at the kitchen when I came here with the cake"

"Ummm....then I will go back to sleep I guess?"

"Sweet dreams" Yoongi looks at the older's eyes with a smile.

Hoseok smiles back at the younger and continues walking to his room. As he enters his room he flops on his bed and soon falls back asleep. As soon as Yoongi finishes breakfast he goes upstairs to his room. Yoongi smiles at the view of Hoseok sleeping peacefully, he goes up to Hoseok and lays next to him. He slowly starts to stroke Hoseok's cheek like his mother did to wake him up. Hoseok smiles at the soft touch he feels on his cheek and slowly opens his eyes.

"I made you some breakfast"

"Already?" Hoseok says in a sleepy voice.

"Jung Hoseok...what a pretty name~" Yoongi whispers to himself.

"Hoseok it's better than nothing~" Yoongi still stroking your cheek.

"I should get up then....."

"Take your time~" Yoongi stops stroking and goes to the kitchen.

Hoseok, on the other hand, gets up and stretches a bit like every morning before getting dressed. He slowly walks to the kitchen while Yoongi gets the plates ready.

"I made syrup pancakes, They are pancakes with syrup inside them" Yoongi smiles.

"Ohhh......that's something new.." Hoseok smiles back and goes to sit down.

"It is? My mom makes them a lot ..."
Yoongi slowly sits opposite to Hoseok, "have a nice meal Hoseok!"

"Thank you~"

They both start to eat and Yoongi askes a bit nervous.

"How is it?"

"These will be my favourite...."

"Ah no way, you need to cherish your moms cooking, I bet it was good. Your hands are made for a hand job, I bet your mom was good at cooking. B...before the accident...Sorry to bring it up..."

"Ahhh it's okay..." Hoseok frowns a bit remembering his mother.

"Oml sorry... I...I didn't mean to make you sad" Yoongi frowns looking at the sad older.

"Let's just not talk about it now" They both nod.

"Ah- I almost forgot! Hoseok do you like rice cakes? I made you some! I saw you have leftover rice, so I made you some lunch with it!" Yoongi takes the lunch box and gives it to Hoseok, "Be sure to eat these at work."

"Ok I will" Hoseok smiles, ".....I love rice cakes"

"Good to know" Yoongi smiles back at Hoseok.

As soon as they finish Yoongi takes the dirty dishes and goes to wash them.

"How was it?"


"I'm glad someone likes my cooking"

"Is there someone who doesn't like it?"
Yoongi puts all the plates back to they're places.


"And who is that person?"

"In Degu...I liked this one girl...she would say my cookies are like shit...And when I made lunch for her she would act like she got sick...I knew she hated me so I stopped"

"That's mean.....from her"

"Yea Degu was just a place not for me,"

"Oh, so you're from Degu..."

"But the plus in it, I had a place to put my books, but in here as you saw~ you are from Gwangju, right?"


"I wanted to move there when I was 10" Yoongi giggles as he remembers.

"I didn't want to leave Gwangju, but I found a job here as you see.."

"I wanted to live there because of your father. I loved his novels since I was 9 or something. I did meet him when I was 11, It was a summer trip to Gwangju"

Yoongi takes his wallet and shows a picture. In the picture, there are 3 people. It's a small Yoongi, younger Hoseok and his dad.

"That was like the best day ever"

"Oh yeah, I remember it" Hoseok smiles.

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"You see that there are three people in the picture?"

Yoongi looks at it as if it is the first time seeing it, "Omg- you have changed your hair Colour!"

"Yep I have"

"So that means we have met earlier..."

"Y...yea 4 years ago...."

"I thought you were the coolest person in the world..." Yoongi laughs lightly.

"Maybe......maybe" Hoseok smiles at his giggles.

"I still think you are, your smile actually is happy and it shows your feelings. And the fact that you are my favourite novelist's son. Of course your cool to me, I have a feeling I should be behind some security not so close to you"

"ahh ...I don't know what to say,"

"You don't need to! I'm not someone as important as you. Ok go dress up I'll wait for you by the front door"

Hoseok leaves the kitchen, happier than ever in mornings. Nice breakfast, finally some company in ages. He's just happy that there is someone so nice as Yoongi. He enters his room and starts to dress up for work.

Age Doesn't Matter 4 Us · YoonseokWhere stories live. Discover now