The Kiss Who Made You Sick

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"I hope not..." Yoongi murmured to himself, but Hoseok shakes his head as a no.

"Thank god..." Yoongi smiles.

"You should introduce me with her" he whispers out and quickly falls asleep because he was really tired.

"Maybe..." Hoseok whispers and puts his arms around Yoongi carefully and soon falls asleep himself.

It hits -30°c that night and Yoongi was really sensitive at night so Hoseok wakes up early to Yoongi shaking really actively. Hoseok pulls Yoongi really close to him. Yoongi sneezes one time and wakes up.

"Hoseok..." Yoongi whispers with his breath shaking and moves to Hoseok as close as possible and holds on to him tightly.

"Are you cold?" Hoseok asks to feel that Yoongi nods his head under him.

"I will bring more blankets, okay?" Hoseok slowly started to sit up but ended up hold back by Yoongi.

"Please don't-

I want to stay like this..."

"O..oh ..Okay.."

Yoongi moves a bit up to face Hoseok, he warps hands around your neck and looks at his eyes getting a look back. Both stuck in each other's eyes, looking deep in the dark pretty orbs. Yoongi raised his hand and gets the hair off of Hoseok's eyes to see them better. Hoseok starts to blush a bit, by the action. Yoongi snuggled closer to the older's face and closes his eyes.

Hoseok couldn't hold the urge to kiss the youngers shiny juicy lips, in his eyes. He quickly kisses the younger and turns his head away after that.

"Hos....eok..." Yoongi says a bit taken back and surprised.

"Hoseok" he holds Hoseok's cheek to make you look at him.

He closes his eyes and leans in a kiss. The older soon responded. Both lustful in their actions and deep in their minds, maybe just one of them. Yoongi pulls the older closer deepening the kiss a bit.

Soon they both pull out while looking at each other catching breaths Yoongi slowly strokes the older's cheek.

"W...why are you d..doing this...?" Hoseok looks in Yoongi's pretty eyes.

"I don't....know...

Let's just forget that" Yoongi snuggles into Hoseok neck and falls asleep again.

Hoseok sighs and soon falls asleep, the kissing time to time coming back to his mind. Hoseok would lie if he said he didn't like it nor didn't want more. Something just urged in him to be with the younger. The killing inside and mind just running all around the younger. He just doesn't quite know the truth yet in his thoughts.


Tomorrow morning Yoongi doesn't wake up early like usual. When the older wakes up he just smiles at the view. Still sleeping Yoongi cuddling to the older not letting go.

" have school today..." Hoseok whispers to himself, "I should get up and make breakfast....."

But something gets unnoticed by the older. The youngers breath is hitching and it looks like it's a bit hard to breathe for Yoongi.

The older slowly and carefully gets up so he doesn't wake you up Yoongi, and silently goes out of the room to go to the kitchen. When Hoseok slowly starts to make breakfasts the older doesn't yet nice the loud coughs.

Soon the older goes back to the room to wake up the Younger, he goes next to the bed and calls out Yoongi's name softly, but is greeted with horrible coughs and Yoongi turning away from the older.

"Yoongi....y-you okay....?"

"Y...yea- I'm waking up," Yoongi says between coughs and slowly stands up. But what scared Hoseok the most, is that the coughing got worse. The younger tries to stop the coughs to not make the older worry.

"Y-you sure? You don't sound good...." Hoseok says really worried.

"Y...yea" Yoongi coughs twice, and he slowly stands up again, "I'm-" another cough, "sorry for not waking up"

"It's okay.....

Now get back in the bed.."

"W..whym" Yoongi coughs

"I can see that you're sick..So..get back in.." Hoseok frowns, he doesn't want the older to leave so soon at a young age nor see him suffer.

"I'm fi-" another cough, "fine"

"No you're not" Hoseok holds Yoong is hand and rubs the top with the thumb.

"I h...have school, I-" three more coughs, " am fine don't worry"

Hoseok puts his hand on Yoongis forehead. The timed stopped for them, it felt like an angel just came for help, Yoongi though he didn't deserve the sparkles and the feelings he felt.

"I think that you should stay home...." Hoseok frowns as he slides the hand away from his forehead.

Yoongi frowns, "but-" another cough, "school?"

"Is your mom still mad at you?" Hoseok asks, sending a soft save look at the younger.

"I-If you want," more coughing, "-me to leave I can go now..."

"No, I don't want you to leave...I just asked so that I can ask her to call your teacher and say that you're sick and won't be attending school today....maybe tomorrow too..."

Yoongi frowns.

"what's wrong....?" Hoseok sighs

"Ah nothing..."

"I g-"a cough, " -guess I'll go home now...."

"You really have to?....." Hoseok holds Yoongi's hand a bit tighter.

"How d-" more coughing, "-do I contact the school?"

"Ahh...yeah" Hoseok looks down, "But let's eat breakfast first..." Hoseok smiles at Yoongi to brighten up the mood.


"I f...feel d...dizzy"

Hoseok responds fast going to Yoongi and holding him softly and carefully but tightly at the same time.

"I said stay in bed..."

"H...hoseok~" trips somehow ending up both of them falling (for each other) on the bead Yoongi on top of the older.

Uhhhhhh. ....." they both blush.

"Hose..." Yoongi falls unconscious on Hoseok.

"Yoo...yoongi? You hear me?" Hoseok asks loudly and really worried when he felt the hot body falling on him, literally hot, at least 40° C (104°F). Yoongis heavy breaths fill the room.

Hoseok touches Yoongi's forehead, "you have a fever!" he quickly gets up and lays Yoongi on the bed carefully"

The younger woke up at the movement and tries to sit up

"No...lay back down..." Hoseok orders softly to show the care in him for the younger.

" head hurts a lot..." Yoongi tears up a bit.

"You have a really high fever...." he strokes Yoongis hair.

"C...can I have an h-hug?" Hoseok cries out.

"Of course~" Hoseok smiles and sits down so he can hug Yoongi comfortably. They both hug each other tightly.

Age Doesn't Matter 4 Us · YoonseokOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora