Singing For No One

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Singing For No One (Romance/Sad)

Kurt spun gracefully, landing in the perfect position for the final dance move. And with that, applause was heard from in front.

"Nice job, Kurt!" Tina shouted happily, smiling with excitement.

"Yeah, that was pretty awesome!" Sam agreed, nodding his head as Mercedes gave into a grin.

"So, who was that song meant for?" Blaine suddenly asked, still slouching in his comfortable seat.

Kurt bit his lip deeply, thinking of all the different reactions he could get from Blaine with the answer. Honesty seemed like the perfect response to give him, but it also meant that he would have to be honest with not just himself but everyone else. 

"No one really.." Kurt inaudibly murmured, blushing just slightly.

"Oh really?" Rachel questioned Kurt, her eyebrows raised. "I thought it was for Blaine."

Blaine's eyes widened as he heard this, sitting up straight now, "What do you mean, for me?"

Kurt was already blushing like crazy, making his face look a giant strawberry. He let out a deep breath, and then said the next few words, "Blaine, I love you."

Blaine silently gasped as everyone instantly looked to him as he sat there in shock.

Not once, did he think he'd ever hear that from Kurt Hummel.

Blaine was the bad boy, and Kurt was the popular guy, or so everyone said. And in every movie ever, or at least The Breakfast Club to name one, they could never, ever get together. It was bad for both their reputations, in fact, it could even be stated as social suicide. Kurt could get into ridiculous trouble, and Blaine? Well, bad boys can't be seen as soft, no way. However, that was never the concern... Blaine had always thought Kurt was straight, or maybe just uninterested in him. Then, there was the gossip that carried around the school like a virus. Everyone's eyes on Kurt Hummel, every girl he spoke with, every girl he hugged — it was impossible to know what was true and what was not. Unless he asked, but Blaine hadn't. He didn't want to either. Rejection was not something that he was willing to rediscover after everything he'd already gone through to get where he was.

"I've loved you ever since I first laid eyes on you when you were a freshman, just beginning to get labelled." Kurt explained more thoroughly, adjusting his dark brown tie, "I remember very clearly, you were wearing those bright yellow capris, with a black polo shirt.. Navy boat shoes, and one bold red bow tie.."

Blaine blushed lightly, wondering how he could possibly remember that. It was two years ago.

But even Blaine remembered what Kurt was wearing..

One dashing black and white striped tight fitting shirt, with a grey vest over it. Black skin tight jeans, those first class white high tops, with his hair styled perfectly.

He, was perfect.

"I went to go and welcome you to the school, but you were shy, and very quiet. I realized that soon after and toned down my approach, which lead me to find myself walking with you to class every single day, since we had the same classes." Kurt warmly smiled, remembering those days where they'd done so, compared to the present days.

Completely different now.

"Remember, when you were scared that you'd fail grade nine, but I helped you pass the History test? Because I wanted you to pass. And then later on in the year, the cheerleaders invited you to join their team? You were afraid of the rejection, so I helped you out? You ended up doing it and getting in." Tina, Sam, and Mercedes were all whispering things to each other, seeing Blaine smile at the thought of the memories.

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