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Undercover (Agent!Blaine/Criminal!Kurt)

"Tomorrow, 8pm at Central park. You give me the suit, and..." the deep voice trailed on, "I, will give you the boy."

"How do I know I can trust you when you say that?" Blaine inquired, his eyes scanning the crowded room all over as he looked for the mystery person.

"You don't," the man chuckled, Blaine's eyebrows were furrowed to his reply.

"Be there, 8pm sharp, and keep the phone on you." Then there he went, hanging up with a click.


Anderson paced the room back and forth, his arms crossed as he did so. How had this whole situation, gotten so screwed up?

What he was meant to do; find this guy, befriend him, and then bring him into the police. But sadly things just didn't turn out that way, and Blaine found himself... well, head over heels.

His head turned immediately as he found Santana right in front of him, the co-director of the incorporation. She might as well have been head though, since Fabray wasn't usually here, all due to pregnancy.

"Made your mind up yet? It's almost 8."

Eyes now focused on her dark eyes, he nodded. Though it may have not been the best idea, showing his weakness to their biggest enemy, he couldn't bare to lose Kurt.

Taking a step forward towards the young director, he frowned, wrinkles coming to his forehead, "I have to, San. You know I do."

She nodded back, a faint smirk shown on her face, "I see.. Do you have any actual plan to go with it? Need any men, or-"

"No. No men, I mean... you and Evans are going to be in the van, obviously, to make sure in case anything happens, but other than that. I only need two others, to stand by me." Blaine explained, biting his bottom lip as he stared down at the bump in the rug, that his heel kept hitting at.

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Kurt once said that sometimes all you need to do, is just react on impulse, especially when it comes to the ones you love. Your heart knows what it's doing, and your mind can help control the urge to do anything too stupid." Blaine smiled, remembering the moment in the courtyard of the hotel.

"Always knew he was smart like that. The boy sure knew how to play the game, a real criminal at heart," Santana said.

"It's how he was raised... to think like that." Blaine sighed, "Least he kept his emotions and didn't become as heartless as people said he was."

"As heartless, as."

"Shut up." Blaine sharply said, narrowing his eyes at her.

"That's the attitude ya need to show towards the enemy. That's the growl, the roar and the fierceness." Santana smirked, as she patted his shoulder lightly and then walked over to the doorway.

Flipping her long black hair over her shoulder, those eyes looked back at Blaine with a knowing look, "You can do this."


8pm, at the fountain he was, but still he saw no Kurt. In his hand was the hanger and suit, his fingers shaking though Blaine tried to seem stable.

Just over to his right by a park bench was his close friend Rachel Berry, dressed as a jogger. On his left, farther up, Kurt's step brother actually, Finn Hudson, in disguise with a briefcase and tie.

As he took a deep breath, he felt the vibration in his coat's pocket. His hand dug into it, cautiously putting the phone to his ear, "Hello."

"Nice to see your putting your trust in me to save the damsel in distress." The voice jeered, a snicker added shortly after.

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