What A Cheesy Love Story

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What A Cheesy Love Story (Romance/Cheesy)

"Please, just save it." Blaine sighed, as he pushed Kurt away, beginning to walk away.

"Blaine!" Kurt shrieked as he stood there, tears running down his face, as the love of his life walked away from him.

Blaine continued on, going farther and farther until Kurt could barely see him anymore. A few drops were let go from his hazel eyes, as he swiftly realized what all of this meant.

Kurt had never really loved him.

It was all just a dare.

A few weeks before, Greg and Martin had dared Kurt, the most popular guy in school, to break the only openly gay guy's heart.

Course, Kurt was a completely different person at the time.

He was the stereotypical, cruel, judgmental cheerleader, but he was also a closeted gay, so the dare could have been a death sentence.

But Kurt had made sure, that it didn't become one.

Not for him at least.

Suddenly, Kurt's phone started to play it's natural, 'Single Ladies' ringtone. He instantly picked up, seeing as it was his bestest friend, Mercedes.

"Kurt, what in God's name did you do!?" she exclaimed angrily, since Blaine was one of her closest friends as well.

Kurt had a lot of secrets..

Being friends Mercedes was one.

And really, truly being in love with Blaine was another.

"I didn't mean to, I-I'm so sorry, Mercedes... I couldn't keep it from him anymore." Kurt blurted out, as he cried harder and harder, as he sat with his back against his car's tire.

Mercedes voice softened, "Gosh, Kurt, calm down hun... it's gonna be okay."

"No. No it's not, be-because I hurt him so bad, 'Cedes, he thinks I was just using him!" Kurt sobbed into the mic, as his hand went through his hair frustratedly.

"Well, were you?"

"No." Kurt said, sniffling, as he wiped away a tear.

"Then you need to tell him that!" Mercedes shouted, as Kurt chuckled quietly, tears still coming down his face.

"He won't listen."

"Make him listen, Kurt. I believe in you two... and since you clearly do too, you gotta fight hard for him!" Mercedes told him sharply, as Kurt nodded, beginning to get up from the ground.

"You're right, you're right.." Kurt sighed tiredly, as he dusted off his skinny jeans.

"Aren't I always, hun?" Mercedes scoffed, making Kurt laugh, "Totally, Mercedes... totally."

"You go get your man, I gotta go right now, Berry is killin' me... some Finn Hudson problem. How is it that I can give advice about guys, yet I'm still single?"

Kurt rolled his eyes, "I don't know bae, I'll text you tomorrow." And with it, he hung up.

Looking down, he genuinely smiled having a good feeling of what he was going to be doing.

Blaine was his soulmate, he just knew it..

And that was why, he was going to fix this damn mess.

He was going to make Blaine his, for real, no dare, just his honest heart's sincerity.


Conversations and laughter were all that Blaine could hear. He sighed, walking through the cafeteria, holding his tray tightly. Everyone's eyes were on him, but it was strange..

As if they knew something about him, that he didn't.

And that was pretty hard to believe.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please, gather around!" A voice suddenly yelled, from the corner of the cafeteria.

People's heads turned instantly, including Blaine's, and he was too surprised to even gasp when he noticed who'd said it.

"Now, you all obviously know me, Kurt Hummel, the popular as hell, hot as can be, cheerleader... course, you all must be very much aware, that I'm also a stuck up snobby rich kid. Am I right?" Kurt chirped as teenagers laughed, talking amongst each other as Kurt stood up on a table, continuing, "What you don't know, is that I've actually, got a heart. It belongs to someone actually, and no you morons, it's not just me.." he chuckled nervously, looking down and then back up again.

"A guy."

Blaine raised an eyebrow, thinking about what Kurt had just said.

And in a split second, millions of thoughts shot through his mind.

He couldn't have replaced Blaine already... could he?

"This guy, is a pretty special one though... this guy loved me, although I was a total ass in the beginning of our beautiful relationship." Kurt added on, his blue eyes glimmering beneath the bright lights of the cafeteria.

Blaine was honestly starting to get worried, because he loved Kurt.

He loved Kurt so much, words couldn't describe it.

He regretted walking away from him that night, he regretted getting angry, because right now, he would do anything to have been..

Kurt's special guy.

"Blaine Anderson, get your nerdy ass over here." Kurt all of a sudden shouted, as Blaine just stood there in shock still holding his tray.

His face went red as everyone's eyes came on him, all astonished that it was him. Blaine didn't know how to react though, so he just stood there, until he saw Kurt running over to him.

"Blaine, I-" He began, but his words were stopped.

"Don't apologize, I love you too." Blaine said, shoving his tray to someone else as he then, crashed his soft lips onto Kurt's.

Kurt smiled, kissing back as his arms slowly wrapped around Blaine's neck, while everyone else just stared.

Well, screw them.

This was Kurt and Blaine's cheesy love story, not there's.

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