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Aphrodite (Fantasy/GreekMyth)

"So, there's this girl.." Kurt began with a small smile, as he sat on the bleachers with Blaine, his best friend.

"A girl? What? I thought you were gay?" Blaine confusedly asked, raising an eyebrow as he looked at Kurt weirdly.

"Shush, back to the point, there's this girl.. Her name is, Aphrodite-"

"You mean, the greek goddess?" Blaine asked him, interrupting him for the second time as Kurt sighed, frustrated.

"No! Not the damn greek goddess, Blaine! A girl, named Aphrodite, and I may have a developed a small crush on her, okay!?" Kurt exclaimed as he got up from his seat, while Blaine sat there wide eyed, wanting so desperately to be hearing Kurt wrong right now.

There was no way, Kurt had a crush on some girl.

It was just impossible.

"Your kidding right?" Blaine questioned him nervously, standing up as well, taking his bag with him.

"No. I swear, I just.. I feel something, that I've never once felt with anyone else." Kurt murmured as if he was in a trans, staring into oblivion.

Blaine frowned, as he thought about it. 

He had known Kurt since Grade 5, there was absolutely no way Kurt had fallen for a girl. He wasn't going to let it happen. Not in a million years, and yeah, that might be because Blaine just happens to have a little crush himself.

On Kurt.

"Oh my god, it's her." Kurt whisper-yelled as he pointing over to a thin looking teenage girl, who was walking through the field as she tied her raven black hair into a ponytail.

Blaine tilted his head slightly to the left, she was pretty good looking, but that does not mean she gets to have Kurt! 

"That's her? That's the girl you like?" Blaine whispered back as Kurt pulled on his hand, making them both sit on the bleachers.

"Yeah, isn't she just.. Beautiful." Kurt faintly whispered, continuing to gaze in awe at the girl, as if he was hypnotized or something.

"I guess, if you're into girls." Blaine shrugged, staring at the girl as she smiled, waving to a couple of the football players who were checking her rear out.

"Okay, seriously, what is it? You act as if there's something wrong with it, so what?" Kurt muttered irritatedly, immediately turning directly to Blaine with a cold, hard glare.

Blaine took a deep breath, "It's just the fact, that all of a sudden, you just have a crush on this girl, and I mean, what happened to you being 100% sure that you're gay?"

"Well Blaine, you do realize that I've never even kissed either gender, right? How would I know? What if I'm like, bisexual, or something?"

"Kurt, you're not-"

"But how do you know!?"

Suddenly, a small, feminine voice was heard from near, "Would you two ladies stop bickering? It's hurting my dear ears!"

Blaine and Kurt instantly turned their heads, both shocked to see that it was none other than, Aphrodite, who'd spoken. Her piercing blue eyes were on them in such a way, that even if she was looking deadly, and giving a total bitch glare, she looked completely flawless doing it.

"I-I-we're-" Kurt stammered, staring at her precious red lips.

"Enough. Please, your voice is the most annoying I've heard since I came." she cruelly said, rolling her eyes as she flipped her silky hair back, "And curly haired hobbit? Lose the grandfather clothes, please, it's weird to see considering the fact that we're teenagers, and we're living in the year, 2014."

Blaine gasped, his eyebrows furrowing as Kurt snapped out of his trans with an upset look now on his face just as much, "Excuse me?" Blaine snapped, as he got up swiftly, Kurt doing the same.

"You aren't excused, prick." Aphrodite shrugged, smirking.

"Would you stop calling us names?" Kurt said, crossing his arms as she snickered back, "No thanks, it's too much fun to stop."

"God, let's just go Kurt.." Blaine sighed, taking Kurt's small hand in his as he pulled him away from the self-centered biatch.

She may be pretty and perfect on the outside, but on the inside, there is nothing more hideous.

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