Tech Talk

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Tech Talk (Romance/Texts)

Kurt Hummel is currently online!

Blaine: Good morning Kurt!!

Kurt: Not really good but yeah morning Blaine..

Blaine: What? Why? What's wrong!?

Kurt: I'm sick.

Blaine: Aw Kurtieee.. Why didn't you tell me before?

Kurt: What do you mean tell you before..

Blaine: We were awake all last night texting each other Kurt..

Kurt: Uh no we weren't.

Blaine: Wha? Yeah we were Kurt. Remember? I told you about how Nick and Jeff finally got together..

Kurt: We didn't talk last night Blaine..

Blaine: .... Then who did I flirt with last night?

Kurt: Idk.. Ask yourself that question.

Blaine: Kurt go get your phone.. Right now.

Kurt: Ugh fine.

*five minutes later*

Kurt: Blaine.. I can't find it..

Blaine: Wes. I am soooo going to hurt him the next time I see him..

Kurt: You can't do that Blaine.. Zero tolerance for bullying remember?

Blaine: It isn't bullying. I'm just getting revengeee!

Kurt: Mhmm.. If you say so Blainey...

Blaine: So anyways how sick are you Kurt?

Kurt: Very.. I've been barfing since I woke up.

Blaine: I feel so bad for you :(

Blaine: Wait wait does this your barfing right now??

Kurt: Sort of yeah.. But Im fine Blaine really.

Blaine: Uh no! I'm coming over there right now!

Kurt: Noooooo Blaine I'm fine! I'm gonna survive!

Blaine: Why cant I just come over? Is someone else there already? Is Rachel?

Kurt: No Blaine. No ones here..

Blaine: Or Mercedes or Finn?

Blaine: Wait a second.. IS CHANDLER THERE!?

Kurt: No Blaine god! Chandler is not here! Why would you even guess that?

Blaine: Because Chandler and you are STILL talking..

Kurt: Oh my god Blaine.. One time. Thats it! He wanted to know if I was still coming over to his house for our EARLIER PLANNED movie night.

Blaine: Yeah and what did you say?

Kurt: I said no!!

Blaine: ... Oh..

Kurt: Yeah! I said no! Geez.. What did you think I said?

Blaine: I thought you said yes..

Kurt: Why would I say that?

Blaine: Cause your nice..

Kurt: Okay thenn..

Blaine: So can I come over??

Kurt: You know what.. Yeah. I need to be babied..

Blaine: Yay!!

Kurt: Come over soon?

Blaine: Definitely :)

Kurt: Bring soup..

Blaine: Lol I will!

Blaine: I love you Kurt ;) ;)

Kurt: Love you too :*

Blaine: See you then!

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