Diary Entries

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Diary Entries (Romance/Humor)

Dear diary,

I've been writing in you, for as long as I can remember..
Through the happy days, and through the sad ones, you've supported me..

Well technically.

Anyways, on to the point, today, I met this boy..
I know, so exciting.

Anyways, this boy, he was gorgeous.
Light brown hair styled in a way, that it was so hard not to just reach in and feel it.
These beautiful pair of blue eyes.. Like an ocean of beauty, and kindness.
And his lips.
I so badly, wish I could just kiss them.

But I can't.
And it hurts.

Because I know he has a boyfriend.

A quite cocky, and arrogant fellow.
I don't understand how he got Kurt, aka the guy I sincerely love..

I know he is far more good looking than me..
A much more confident guy.
And besides that, a dreamy voice.
But there's much more to love then all of that, isn't there?
Seem to me that no one realizes it, except for myself.
And Wes, and Jeff..

But they're just going along with it, because they know that if they don't, I won't do what I'm about to do, or what I'm 'going' to do.
Audition, for the school's musical.
Written, and perfected, by Artie Abrams, and shockingly, Nick.

Jeff's boyfriend.
More like boy toy..
Long, heavy make out sessions of theirs happen, in the dorm that me and Jeff share..

If I had Kurt though, it'd probably be like that too.
What I would give, to just feel his tender lips on mine..
To put my hands on top of his smooth, porcelain skin as we lay in bed, after a good, long, make out session..

But instead, Sebastard, gets all that.
Such a douche bag, gets such a perfect guy like him.
He treats him so damn poorly, and yet Kurt still loves him!

I hate it.
I hate Sebastian.

"Hey, Anderson!" Kurt greeted happily, as he came into the choir room, wearing a quite large grin on his face.

He was definitely happy about something.
I slammed my diary shut, putting on a genuine smile as I shoved into my bag, then looked back to him, "Hey." I calmly said to him.
"What were you writing?"

"Nothing really, just some notes.. Ideas for my auditon.. Things like that." I explained, obviously lying, but it wasn't like I could tell him about me having a diary, or that I was writing about him.

He raised an eyebrow, doubting that I was actually doing that since I'd already told him which song I was singing for it.
I bit my lip, waiting for him to say something sarcastic, or sassy, but he just stood there.

Then the alarm Jeff had set for me rang on top of the piano, the sharp sound piercing my ears.
It was my audition time.
"Well, you better get to the auditorium. I'll be there in the audience, cheering you on," he told me with a smirk, as he punched his fists in the air playfully, "Go, Blaine, go!"

I laughed at his support, then quickly speed walked out of the choir room as he headed out the other door, going in the direction of where he'd be going to sit in the audience.
A nervous feeling soon filled my mind, as I thought about whether I was doing this for a right reason.
I'd secretly changed the song with Jeff and Nick's approval, and with the rest of the Warbler's agreeing to it.

I wasn't just auditioning for this muscal.
I was singing to Kurt, and they were all going to help me.

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