It's Okay To Be Sad Sometimes

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It's Okay To Be Sad Sometimes (Bullying/Depressed!Kurt)

"I can't believe North Korea threatened to bomb the theatres.." Blaine muttered as Kurt and him finally reached their lockers.

"Oh come on, it's just like them. It was bound to happen." Kurt told him with a shrug.

Giving out a sigh of disappointment, Blaine nodded, "I guess, but still, it would've been such a good movie! Seth Rogen's funniest one, who knows! But now," his eyebrows furrowing, as he turned his head to Kurt, "we'll never know."

"And it sucks."


"But Blainey.." Kurt cooed, looking at Blaine with the expression that gave off, 'you-know-exactly-what-I'm-gonna-say-but-whatever'.

"It just doesn't matter. They're not risking innocent people's lives, so you and me are gonna have to get over it."

He smiled, and left a peck of a kiss on Blaine's cheek, though when he was just about to go he stopped, going to Blaine's side, "Okay?"

Although he didn't want to, Blaine gave into a smile, and nodded, "Okay."

"Great. I'll see you in Glee club." And Kurt went right on his way, down the corridor.


As Mrs. Hallman continued her lecture on the completely uninteresting information of an art piece, Kurt sat there at his desk drawing. It was really the only reason he'd requested this class to be apart of his schedule, and plus... he was doing art, technically.

Just not at the right time, but whatever. Not like she cared anyways!

It was almost Christmas break, just after this final bell rang. Well then he actually had Glee club, but he considered it apart of his break because he was surrounded by almost all friends.

Plus, he then at 7:30 had a dance to go to alongside Rachel, and Mercedes. He was being their 'arm gays', since neither had anyone to go with, Finn being by Quinn and Sam being by Santana.

Course there was also Blaine, who'd be by Tina, as much as Kurt detested it and said that he was just dragging her poor heart on. Blaine was too nice, though, and didn't have the guts to say no.

"Psst, Kurt." He heard Rachel whisper from right beside him at her own desk.


"I heard from Mercedes, who heard it from Brittany, who heard it from Artie, who heard it from-"

"Would you get on with it? What are you talking about? What'd you hear?" Kurt sternly whispered, watching the teacher for a moment to make sure she wasn't watching.

"Blaine's dumped the hag." Rachel grinned proudly, excitement building inside her.

Kurt's eyes widened, "What? How?"

"I don't know, it doesn't matter! You can ask him to the dance now!" She told him, as Kurt was only just processing the information.

"What, I couldn't..." Kurt shook his head, "I told you and Mercedes that I'd go with you guys."

"Oh come on lover boy, we'd both understand. You have to do this."

"I also actually can't.." Kurt mumbled, biting his bottom lip.

"Are you kidding me!" Rachel whisper-yelled, "Of course you can!"

"No, I seriously can't! I don't have the courage to do something that! Plus, like you said," Kurt sighed, frowning, "he just dumped her. It wouldn't be right."

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