Sending All My Love To You

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Sending All My Love To You (Loner!Kurt/Nerdy!Blaine)

" Roses are red,

Violets are blue.

Sugar is sweet,

And so are you. " Blaine read aloud, smiling at Kurt who sat at the back of the class.

" But the flowers are wilted,

The people are all dead.

The sugar bowl is empty,

Just like Lady Hummel's head! " One of the football players shouted, as at least half of the class started to laugh along.

Kurt frowned, swallowing hard as he heard their happiness at the joke. It wasn't funny, he didn't like it... he didn't like it one bit.

"Stop laughing!" Blaine said loudly, crossing his arms angrily.

The thing was, they didn't stop laughing. They all just kept on going and going, until at last the teacher, had stopped laughing herself. Blaine narrowed his eyes at her, pitying her greatly. Must've been so very hard to know you're a terrible teacher and person, but still have to go on with life.

Still upset, he walked to his desk, which was right next to Kurt's. He was slouched in his seat, with his hands over his ears firmly.

"Are you okay, Kurt?" He asked worriedly, not knowing if Kurt would reply.

Kurt opened his eyes slowly, his eyes adjusting to the bright lights again. His gaze fell on Blaine, who was sitting sideways on his chair, looking right back at him.

He sighed, taking his hands off his ears, "No."

Blaine sighed too, nodding as if he understood, though Kurt was more than sure he didn't. Even if Blaine did have no friends, and never got invited to parties... at least he wasn't seen by anyone.

It was like he was invisible.

Something Kurt wanted to be so desperately, but that'd never happen.

He knew that much.


His feet shuffled as he walked towards the large marble fountain at 8 PM. No one was outside as far as Kurt knew, yet the silence was just deafening. He was far more used to noise then this, but then again, that noise was usually laughter, whispers, gossip... not the good sorts of noise.

Suddenly, Kurt heard a snap, causing him to whip around in fear. His eyes scanned the darkness wearily, till he realized it was probably just an animal. Inhaling, he put his hands down into the fountain water, and started rubbing them against the mucky tiles at the bottom of it.

That's when he found what he was looking for, and swiftly, grabbing the latch of it and opening it up, he saw the vault there. Kurt smiled, weakly but it was something, as he grabbed the bag that was now soaked. He shook it a bit, then sat on the bench right near this fountain.

"Wow.." He whispered to himself, silently gasping.

In his hands was a bag filled with $1,000 dollars in cash, just as his cousin Lori had said. It felt almost magical in his hands... most likely because he hadn't ever held that much money in his life. But that's when the blissful moment ended, and he started to hear the police sirens. Raising his eyebrows, he stuffed the money in his bag and made a run for it.

"Hey! You! Stop! This is the police, if-" The deep, strong voice said, yet Kurt had stopped listening soon as he'd said police.

"Just keep running, just keep running.." Kurt panted, continuing to instruct it to himself.

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