Mystery Letter

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Mystery Letter (Other/Letter)

Dear ________,

I love you.

Not in the love love way, as in I've fallen in love with you, but in the way that I know you're always going to be my friend, and I'm always going to be yours.

I know, you're always wondering if anyone is ever going to love you like he did, and I honestly will answer it.


No one will, because he was your love, and he's one of a kind.

But I can tell you right now, that eventually you're gonna realize that you don't even need a guy.

That's probably gonna be the point, where all the guys want you.

I swear to you though, when that moment comes you are going to feel so relieved, and you are going to regret ever feeling so sorry for yourself.

I love you, _________, and you are my best friend.

And you are gorgeous, and sassy, in the best way.

You truly are good hearted, and you've got quite the way with words, if I do say so myself.

You are the most amazing person I've gotten the opportunity to meet, and I personally think that you will go far in this world.

Really far, because darlin', you are a firework.

And trust me, if I was straight?

I'd be all over you, putting every ounce of me into getting you to be mine.

I love you, _________.

You are an extraordinary girl.

And you are always going to be my, girl-friend.


Your very own, Blainey Days

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