Coffee For Two

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Coffee For Two (LimaBean!Kurt/Highschool!Blaine)

"Hi, welcome to the Lima Bean, how may I help you?" His sweet voice rang out, as he stood behind the counter.

A smile turned up on Blaine's face as he examine the barista, his blue eyes, his clear skin... his bright and happy grin.

"Yeah, I'll uh, I'll have a medium drip with maybe a shot of peppermint, you know.. The holidays and all, anyways."

The tall man nodded, typing it into the machine, he swiftly then turned his head back up to the gel headed teenager, telling him the money needed. Blaine reached into his beige bag, which was slung over his shoulder, soon realizing, "Crap, I actually forgot my wallet in my car, I could um, I could go and-"

"On the house." He suddenly said, pushing the very words Blaine had just said, swiftly away.

"What? I mean," he uttered in a slightly high voice, though quick and steady Blaine cleared his voice, "really?"

"Yeah. I'll just take it off my tab." The cashier said with ease, he shrugged and pressed some more keys on the cash register. His eyes locked back onto Blaine's, "What's your name?"

Stunned by the kind gesture, he barely thought was even possible in this world anymore, the gladness in his soul came pouring out his mouth, "Oh my god, thank you! My-My name's Blaine!"

"Well Blaine, you're very welcome." He told him, a glimmer in his eye as he moved to the coffee cup, waiting on the marble counter in front of himself.

Taking out a pen, he wrote Blaine on it, and then proceeded to pass it over the glass case, "There ya go, have a nice day." And those words alone, had just made Blaine's day, in which he smiled, and stared at his name tag.

"You too, Kurt.."


"Hi, welcome to the-" Kurt began, but he was instantly interrupted by his customer.

"Morning, Kurt!"

Smoothly, his aqua eyes were scanning the person in front of him, and right away he recognized him. A chuckle was let out of his lips, "Morning... Blaine, right?"

"Yep. You should've gotten used to my name by now though.." He said, arching a triangular eyebrow to him.

"Considering the fact that you've been coming here every single morning, for three weeks straight.. Yeah. You'd think I would have, but no." Kurt laughed, shrugging, then eyeing Blaine once again.

"Hm, oh well. More reason to come some more..." Blaine sighed dreamily, as he gazed at Kurt's gorgeous smile, "I'll have the usual."

"Coming right up, sir! Will you be paying or I, this time?" Kurt teased, causing Blaine to flush deeply.

"Uh, m-me.." He uttered back, his smile widening while he looked down.

Kurt grinned, speedily grabbing Blaine's cup of coffee, writing down his name, with a little heart above the 'I', and then passing him it. The regular routine that had begun, just the day he'd started coming.

Some sort of happiness took over Blaine, just the same as it had the first time, and the time after that, and that, and... well, you get the point.

This was the one time he'd felt so close to someone again since his ex-boyfriend, Sebastian. It felt so good, yet Lord knows he was kidding himself if he thought they were anything more then acquaintices. That's why he was going to change just that..

"Hey, um, Kurt?" Blaine mumbled, as a young blonde lady was served her coffee by him.

Kurt's attention stayed on the name he was writing on a cup, "Mhm?"

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