Spaced Out

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Spaced Out (GeneralFic/Space)

"You got the helmets?" Eugene asked Kurt, elbowing him out of his trans as he gazed at the picture of his boyfriend in his hand.

"No, I'll just go get them now, then we can head out." Kurt told him with a sigh, as he pushed himself forward to get to the glass case which had two big, bowl like helmets inside of it.

"Yeah, but hey, Kurt, are you okay?" Eugene questioned him worriedly, putting his gloved hand onto his shoulder.

Kurt looked to him, and shrugged, "Could be worse, but I made this decision Eugene. Can't back out now, now can I?"

Eugene chuckled, shaking his head, "Not really. We're pretty far from home."

Kurt smiled, unlatching the lock on the case, he took out the two helmets. He passed one to Eugene, then took one for himself.

"You ready?" Eugene asked, his hands gripped onto the handle of the large metal door, as he floated sideways.

Kurt nodded, nervously putting on his helmet, "Let's go."


Blaine went back and forth, still thinking about only Kurt.

Both of them knew he was risking a lot, by being one of the volunteers to go into space. But Blaine hated the fact, that there was a chance he'd never see Kurt again. He was scared that something terrible would happen, and Kurt wouldn't make it back, or that maybe he'd float away from the spaceship by accident, or..

Maybe Blaine was just overreacting.

But the fear of it all, was just eating away at what was still left of him, because Kurt was a piece of him.

A really, really huge piece of him, and since he was gone, so, so gone.. Off into space.. 

Blaine was only a half. 

"Blaine, you really need to stop pacing back and forth on the rug.. You might start a fire." Sam said, walking into the house from the front door.

"Where've you been!?" Blaine exclaimed, stopping himself immediately as he glared at Sam.

"Out." Sam shrugged, hanging his coat up on a hanger.

Blaine gave himself a facepalm, sighing, "Out for three hours.. Where exactly is out?" 

"With Brit and Rach, helping them out with some stuff they needed me to assist them with.." 

"So, why didn't they ask me to-"

"Because they didn't want to bring a party pooper, to help them plan a surprise for Finn's birthday." Sam muttered tiredly, dropping himself onto the couch.

Blaine raised his eyebrows, shocked they'd think that about him. Especially Rachel, because he and her had been hanging around each other for moral support ever since Kurt had left for his mission.

"Wow.. I really thought you guys were my friends, but.. Ha, no, of course not." Blaine scoffed, giving a fake chuckle with it, as he grabbed his coat then swiftly walked out of the house leaving, with a loud slam of the door.

Blaine's eyes began to let out tears as he began to ran, all the way to the park near the house, Sam, Mercedes and him had been staying in for a while. 

He just couldn't stop missing Kurt though, he couldn't stop wishing so badly that Kurt would be there with him, comforting him, kissing him, telling him everything would be fine and that they were all such nasty friends anyways, and that it didn't matter what they think.

Because Kurt was just like that.

Kurt loved Blaine so unconditionally, and so much, and Blaine loved him ten times more than all of it.

"Why can't you be here Kurt? Why did you have to leave me here, so you could go on that stupid space trip?" Blaine cried to himself, as he sat against a tree, hugging his knees tightly.

Suddenly, Blaine's phone buzzed with an alert.

Astronauts Finally Back Home on Earth, One Significant Discovery Found

Blaine chuckled, a smile on his face as happy tears started to come down, "Oh my god, Kurt!" 

Although he'd failed to read the last small part, he didn't care.

He quickly scrambled to get up from his seat on the ground, sprinting down the streets to get all the way back home. Soon as he got there, he got into his car and drove all the way to the place Kurt had told him to pick him up from, when he came home.

Instantly he got out of his car, running for the building he'd be coming out of in a minute or so hopefully. 

Blaine waited an hour.

Then two.

And then three.

When the fourth hour came, Blaine was beginning to panick inside his head. He looked around, trying to see anyone who could possibly help him, and once he saw someone, he speedily went over to them, "Hi, uh, I'm looking for Kurt Hummel? I'm his fiance, so.. I don't know, isn't he supposed to be here by now?"

The skinny woman's mouth opened, but no sound came out. She frowned, peering down at her white shoes, she sighed sadly, "Mr. Hummel.. He.. He didn't make it back."

Blaine's eyes widened, "Wh-What do you mean he-"

"Something happened while they were out on the base of the planet, and.. Mr. Hummel risked his life, to save Mr. Turner's, I'm incredibly sorry for your loss." she uttered to him, beginning to build up tears in her grey eyes, and then she walked away.

Blaine stood there, frozen in his spot not believing what she was saying. His Kurt, was not gone. 

It couldn't be true.

He just wouldn't accept that.

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