Gone Mad

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Gone Mad (GeneralFiction/MentalState!Blaine)

I tossed and turned on the mattress, but unfortunately, it just didn't help. My blue eyes opened for the fifth time that night, and I pushed myself, onto my back. Staring at the ceiling for a moment, the longing for him came back.

It's pathetic really, this whole situation, I mean... it's only been a week.

Yet I still feel as if it's been months since we last talked..

I close my eyes though, after letting out a deep breath of air. Allowing myself to doze off again, all of it comes flashing back to me. The memories fill my mind, and I let them... I need to let myself move on, and in order to do that, I need to let it all pass.

And so I do.


"Please tell me your kidding, Kurt." Blaine sighed, shaking his head out of disappointment.

"I-I.. Look, Blaine, you know that-" Kurt mumbled, as he stumbled over to where Blaine was standing, holding a long, thin piece of paper.

"$5000, Kurt! Do you think we're rich or something!?" Blaine exclaimed, shoving the receipt in Kurt's face practically.

"Well, I just, I-"

"And on what!? What do you spend this money on? A god damn shirt!" Blaine kicked a metal garbage can over, and Kurt quickly went to pick it up.

"Blaine, please... it was expensive material!" Kurt told him, biting his lip as he got closer to Blaine.

"No, you," Blaine firmly said, pointing his finger at Kurt, "are expensive."

Kurt arched an eyebrow to his boyfriend, "Ya think I don't know that?"

"Apparently not.." Blaine shrugged, swallowing hard, "And that's why-"

"Why what?"

"Why I'm breaking up with you, Kurt."


The next morning he woke up in tears, and there was no question as to why, since he knew. He'd allowed it to happen afterall, it wasn't a surprise. Kurt got up from his bed once he wiped his eyes, that were still somewhat filled with tears.

He went over to the dusty chestnut coloured dresser, Blaine, had personally picked out at one point and took his cell phone. The screen brightened, and his fingers smoothly scrolled down the contact's list till he found the one name he'd been searching for.

"Hello?" Her silky voice answered, to Kurt's great delight.

"Grandma, oh thank god!" he genuinely smiled, for the first in weeks actually, "Something awful's happened... and I feel horrible."

"Is it your father? What's he done this time, Kurt.. I swear, I knew Liz had made the wrong choice when she'd chosen to marry him.." The old lady grumbled, making Kurt chuckle, "No gran, it's not him."

"Then what is it, hon?"'

Kurt inhaled, "It's Blaine."

He heard her quietly gasp, and then footsteps. He imagined she was probably going to her rocking chair, it seemed it was the one spot where she could properly think. "What happened with Blaine, Kurt?" She asked sweetly, and the tears began rolling down his face.

"We broke up, and-and, I know it's my fault, I just thought that since we were going to Santana's bridal shower, that I should get a new outfit for it, after all, she's a close friend, and-and it's an important event! But-but he just-he-I-I don't know what to do!" Kurt sobbed, trying to wipe his eyes with the hand he wasn't using.

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