
433 18 4

Schooled (Romance/Young)

"Hey Kurt!" Blaine called out loudly, as he ran after Kurt who was already beginning to walk into the school quickly, but soon as he heard Blaine's voice he stopped.

"Hey!" Kurt smiled, moving over to the side so that Blaine could catch up with him, without bumping into anyone else.

Blaine let out a deep breath, finally next to Kurt, they both went inside already starting a conversation on how they should spend the weekend together. Kurt began to bring up a movie he'd heard was going out in theatres soon, 'The Fault In Our Stars'.

"Oh, I heard! You read the book right?" Blaine told him, as Kurt chuckled awkwardly, "No, not really.."

"Well, you should." Blaine smirked as swiftly they went up the stairs of the school, leisurely making there way to their classroom.

"Don't have the book, Blainey.. And you know about the money issue in my family.. I can't ask my dad to buy it." Kurt sighed, as he went to his hook near the door of the room.

"No, I meant, you can borrow my book." Blaine instantly said, taking his agenda and the blue hardcover book out of his backpack.

"Oh! Pfft, well, okay." Kurt laughed as he carefully took the book with a smile, holding his agenda in the other hand.


Blaine sighed, laying in his bed on his back. He wanted to sleepover at Kurt's house so badly, but of course he couldn't since it was the school night. Blaine wanted to be with Kurt though. He wanted Kurt to wrap his arms around while they slept in his bed, he wanted to secretly stare at Kurt as they cuddled up watching a disney movie.

He wanted to be more than just friends.

But that's all they'd ever be.

They were only in the sixth grade anyways, he wasn't supposed to feel this ways about boys.. He wasn't supposed to be thinking about any of this either. But that was besides the point, since Kurt already knew about Blaine feeling..

Well, feeling like a girl.

No one knew about that.

Absolutely, no one.

And now, he had another secret he couldn't tell anyone at all, especially Kurt.

Although he truly wished he could, but he didn't want to be rejected, he didn't want Kurt to be disgusted by him, and he just..

He didn't want to lose Kurt.


Blaine's eyebrows raised, as he sat up straight in an instant hearing the noise from his iPod touch. He grabbed it, tapping, unlocking it, and briskly going to his messages, to see one sent from who else, but Kurt.

The exact person he'd been thinking about.

Blaine smiled, lying on his stomach now as he texted Kurt back, with a simple hello.

Kurt: Hey! Wasn't sure if you were up still lol...

Blaine: Lol well I am. Whats up?

Kurt: I was just thinking about you so... I wanted to say goodnight before I went to bed.

Blaine chuckled, feeling the light red come to his cheeks as he read it softly to himself. His fingers went on the screen, tapping on the keyboard some more in reply.

Blaine: Aw thats sweet...

Kurt: Lol I suppose it is. So... Night Blainey :)

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