True Love

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True Love (Romance/Finnchel)

"Falling in love,

Then falling out of it.

Hurting your best friend,

Then hurting the love of your life."

Finn smiled a dopey smile, as Rachel continued with her new poem in English class.

Finn personally thought she was getting better and better, with each one she wrote.

But then again, it seemed like it was only him thinking that.

"Okay, that was so boring, I think my brain literally just fell asleep hearing that pathetic excuse for a poem. Can we please move onto something more, swag friendly?" Santana complained in her bitchy tone, as Brittany giggled, nodding her head in agreement.

"Yeah, I think my cat fell asleep too." Brittany whispered as she looked down under her desk strangely, as Finn raised an eyebrow, confused with what she was talking about.

Rachel frowned, "Fine then." And with that being said she huffed back to her seat, mumbling things to herself.

"Hey, Rach? I thought you did an amazing job." Finn told her quietly, as he leaned in closer to her being beside her and all.

Rachel's eyebrows raised, a large grin placed on her face, "Really?"

"Yeah." Finn said with a smile, "It was amazing."

Rachel bit her lip, blushing deeply as she fiddled with her nails as she pondered in her seat on what to say next. 

"I was wondering.. Do you want to, maybe, go to Kurt's birthday bash with me?" Rachel asked him timidly, directly looking into his eyes with hope lingering in her mix of emotions.

Finn thought for a moment, wondering what Quinn would think of him and her, if he went to that party with her since their relationship was already on the rocks as it was, him being part of Kurt's family and all. Although to be honest, he thought Quinn had reacted pretty stupidly about it, since it wasn't like he could do anything about that. 

They were step brothers.

Their parents got married, what was he gonna do, wreck the wedding?

No way!

"Sure." Finn quickly responded, as she began to quietly giggle getting excited.

"Are-are you serious!?" she exclaimed, making everyone glare at her, the teacher especially.

"Is there something wrong, Ms. Berry?" Mr. Watkins asked her, raising a furry eyebrow.

Rachel shook her head nervously, blushing a deep shade of red, "No, Mr. Watkins. No problem at all."

Finn chuckled awkwardly, nodding to the teacher in agreement. Seconds after, he was going back on topic about how poetry was something that came from deep, deep inside. It was a mix of emotions, and words, and life. 

Rachel sighed, smiling as she and Finn locked eyes once again, as he nodded to her now, showing how much he'd meant what he had said when he told her yes. Silently, she gasped, letting out a small quiet giggle, then got to work on a paper the teacher was handing out to them.

Finn bit his lip, and began his own poem;

True love,

Is something you'll find within your heart.

Where no one has gone before,

Where no one has broke through,

Where not one person in the world has left a mark.

Except for the person,

You were destined to meet.

A certain Finn Hudson,

Has found his certain someone,

But he has his doubts..

What if the girl doesn't love him?

What if she's already found,

The one.

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