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Ok, this is a farewell post because I don't think we will ever update these books again, which really pains me since both of us poured so much time and effort into them. We really cared about these people and shaping the perfect universe where they could be happy and create a world based around them. However our interest in the people have faded and their videos and lives fail to uphold our expectations. I think I speak for both of us when I say that we don't hate them and will always carry a bit of them with us. 

(Another reason why we stopped writing/watching youtube taken from my last post: Both of us have stopped watching most of the pack and some of the sidemen (I don't think I have watched a sidemen video in like three or four months). Anyways we both have a lot of schoolwork (Mayrael has three ap classes for some dumb reason) and don't have much motivation to write pretty much anything.)

I (Kelcey) will still check back on this account once and awhile to reply to any comments and/or dms.Thank you for all your support on what we do have, we really appreciate it.

Kelcey and Mayrael signing off

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