chapter three - "you've got me"

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When I got home Friday night, I laid in bed and realized that Ethan does not have my number. Just as I started to freak out, I got a message from him on Twitter. I guess he's good at stalking.

I opened it up.

Ethan Dolan:
Hey beautiful 😉 Nice pics. Tomorrow at noon?

I rolled my eyes and couldn't help but smile.

Eliza Wyatt:
Works for me.

I put my phone next to my bed and soon fell asleep.


Ethan's POV

"Ethan do you have some girl coming over? Why are you cleaning the house and why do you smell so good?" My brother, Grayson asked me as he was laughing.

"She's just helping me get my grade up in AP Calculus, so I wanted to make sure the house looks decent and I always smell good." I said.

"Since when do you just study with girls?" He said.

"Since I need to get my grade up so I can graduate." I said, starting to get annoyed with him.

"Is she cute?"

"She's beautiful." I said with a smile.

"But she doesn't like you, does she?" Grayson asked, laughing.

I rolled my eyes and threw a pillow from the couch at him.

"Relax bro! I'm just messing with you." He said, now laughing even harder.

"She'll be here in a few minutes, so don't embarrass me." I said to Grayson.

"Alright, sir." He said.


Eliza's POV

I packed my AP Calculus books in my bag and grabbed my keys before walking downstairs.

"Honey, I have a stuff at work that I need to take care of, so can you get yourself some dinner later tonight?" My mom asked when I got downstairs.

"Sure Mom." I said.

I love my mom and she works so hard to provide for us both and to make sure I can go to college, even though I keep telling her not to worry about it and to concentrate on herself for once. I've been working hard in school so I can get scholarships, but nothing has happened yet.

"Are you going to that guys house to help them with math?" She asked.

"Yeah. Is that still okay?" I asked.

"Of course, I was just wondering. Oh, Liza, you're just an amazing girl. You'd do anything to help people." She said as she pushed my hair behind my ear.

"Thanks, Mom. I love you."

"I love you too, Little Liz."

After that, I got in my car and drove to Ethan's house, which wasn't any more than 7 minutes away from my house.

Once I got there, I suddenly felt nervous. It took my a while to get the nerves to even get out of my car, but when I finally did, I got out and walked to the front door. I knocked and stepped back to wait for someone to answer.

The door opened, revealing a guy who looked about Ethan's age and looked almost identical to Ethan.

"Hi, I'm Grayson; I'm Ethan's twin brother." He said.

"Oh! I thought you looked like him." I said laughing.

"Ha, yeah. Come on in." He said with a smile.

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