chapter four - friends?

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"You guys didn't like totally make out, did you?" Shaila asked.

"What? No! Shaila, we literally just hung out and it was pretty nice. He didn't try anything; he's actually a pretty decent person. I'd even say great." I said.

Shaila looked over at me and gave me a weird look. She was driving me to school today. We were on our way to pick up Nolan so we could all go together.

"Are you going to tell Nolan about it all?" Shaila asked.

"Yeah, I will when he gets in the car."

We pulled up to Nolan's house and he got in the backseat.

"Hello ladies!" He said.

"Hello to you too." Shaila said.

"Hey Nolan, there's something I want to talk to you about." I said.

"Sure, what's up?"

"I'm tutoring Ethan."

"Ethan Dolan?" He said, with a look of confusion on his face.

"Yes, Ethan Dolan. Look, I know you guys think he's a horrible guy, but he's not so bad. He just needs someone to understand him and be there for him; he's been through a lot. Besides, we are just friends." I said.

"Friends?" Nolan asked as if he thought I was joking.

"Yes, friends Nolan. I know you are protective over me because you love me and I love you too, I love both of you guys, but whoever I'm friends with is my choice, okay?" I said.

"You're right, we'll respect that, won't we Nolan?" Shaila asked, looking at Nolan through her mirror.

"Yeah, for you Liz." He said, sitting back looking a little annoyed.


I was sitting at a table at lunch with Shaila and Nolan when Ethan came up and sat with us, along came Grayson soon after Ethan sat down.

"Hey, Ethan. What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm...sitting with my friend?" He said.

The table got silent.

"Can't we all be friends?" Ethan asked.

Everyone agreed and we made small talk with each other.


"So, who's the hot brother?" Shaila asked on the way home from school.

"That's Ethan's twin, Grayson." I said.

"He's super hot; can you get his number for me?"

"Why can't you get it?"

"Because you're my best friend and you love me. Besides, now that you're besties with Ethan, you see Grayson more." She said, excited.

"Fine, I'll get it for you." I said.



Later that day, Ethan called me and asked me to come over and help him with calculus homework. The thing was, we didn't have any calculus homework today, but I didn't care because I just wanted to hang out with him. Not that I like him or anything.

I drove over to his house and knocked on his door. He answered quickly, with a smile on his face.

"Hey." He said, still smiling.

"Hi." I replied shyly, walking into his house.

I turned around and started laughing.

"You know we don't have calculus homework, right?" I said.

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