chapter eighteen - wedding

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It is Wednesday, which means we are flying to Hawaii. One thing that totally sucks about this flight, is I hate flying.

"Are you okay?" Ethan asked, as he grabbed my hand on the plane.

"Yeah, airplanes just make me a bit nervous." I said, closing my eyes and leaning back into my seat.

"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you." He said, squeezing my hand tighter.

A couple of hours later, we finally landed and got off the plane. We got our things together and got to our hotel.

"Okay, so we have a bridal suit and a suit for the groom and groomsmen." My mom said.

"So basically, all the ladies in 24D and all the guys in 23D." Rob said.

We went into our suits and set our stuff down.

"Holy crap, this is amazing." Shaila said, looking around.

"It is cool." I said.

"What a view." My mom said, looking out the window.

Shaila and I ran over to the window to join.

It was beautiful. The beach looked amazing at sunset.


We just hung out in the suit for the rest of the evening and went over wedding details and looked at the dresses.

My moms dress is a white, strapless dress with the top completely covered in gold sparkles and the bottom flowing out. It was truly beautiful.

Mine and Shaila's dresses are a pastel pink, strapless and simple. They flow a little at the bottom and go down to our knees.


It was 9pm and I was pooped. Planning a wedding in one night is exhausting.

I took a shower and plopped onto the bed. My mom and Shaila came up to me all dressed up.

"What do you think you're doing?" My mom asked.

"What are YOU doing all dressed up?" I asked.

"We are going out for dinner on the pier." Shaila said.

"Then we are going dancing!" My mom said, excited.

"Alright, fine. I'll get dressed." I said, getting out of bed.


We met the boys at the pier and went into the restaurant. It was a small, seafood restaurant. We found a table and a waitress came to us and took our order. She kept looking at Ethan and smiling. I could tell she took an interest in him. After we ordered, she took our menus and purposely touched Ethan's hand when she took his. Ethan pulled his hand back quickly. As she looked at him before walking away, I grabbed his hand and interlocks our fingers. I rested my head on his shoulder and smiled at her. She gave me a dirty look and walked away.

"You're cute when you're jealous." Ethan said.

"Wh-what are you talking about?" I asked.

"I'm not blind, Liza." He said.

I sighed and turned around in embarrassment. Ethan grabbed my chin and pulled my head back around and kissed me.

"I would never look at another girl the way I look at you." He said.

His comment made me blush.


After dinner, we went to this festival type place near the beach. There was loud music, food, drinks and people were dancing.

Rob took my moms hand and started dancing with her. I smiled at them. They looked really happy and I was really happy for them.

"Shall we dance?" Shaila asked Grayson.

Grayson and Shaila started to dance.

"I would ask you to dance, but I can't dance." Ethan said.

"Oh come on, it's easy. Just follow my lead." I said as I pulled him closer to me.

He quickly got the hang of it and we all danced the night away.


It wasn't until 2am that we all got back to the hotel and got in our beds.

Before I went to sleep, I got a call from Ethan.

"Hello?" I said as I answered the phone.

"Hey beautiful. I just wanted to say that I love you and I hope you sleep well my love." He said.

"I love you too, E. You're amazing. Good night." I said, smiling.

We hung up and both went to sleep.


The next day, we prepared for the wedding and set out everything for the next day.

It was 4pm when we finally finished.

I was pacing back and fourth in the hallway of the hotel when Ethan grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"Hey, there's no need to stress so much. You've done an amazing job as the maid of honor and you deserve a break. Let's go to the beach." He said.

"But there's still so much to do, Ethan." I said.

He kissed me and smiled at me.

"It'll be fine. Besides, are you really going to make your boyfriend go to the beach all by himself?" He asked.

I let out a deep breath.

"Fine." I said, rolling my eyes and smiling.

We got our suits on and went to the beach. He taught me how to surf and we surfed for hours until the sun went down.

Afterwards, he walked me back to my room and kissed me good night.

I walked into my suit and saw Shaila and my mom freaking out.

"Where have you been?" Shaila asked, panically.

"At the beach with Ethan, what's going on?" I asked.

"We tried this new product in your moms hair and it completely ruined her hair. Its like crispy bacon." She said.

My mom was nearly crying. I rushed over to her and took a look at her hair. It looked like they didn't put any near the top of her hair.

"I have an idea." I said.

I cut my moms hair into a pixie cut. After I was done, she took a look in the mirror.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't save the rest of your hair." I said.

"Eliza, its beautiful." She said said, crying. She rushed over to me and hugged me.

"Wow, if college doesn't work out, you should for sure go into hair styling." Shaila said.

We spend the rest of the night doing facials and getting sleep for the wedding the next day.


The next day, we woke up early and started getting ready for the wedding.

After 5 hours of getting ready, everyone finally headed to the beach for the wedding. Rob and my mom didnt see each other of course.

Rob stood at the altar and waited for my mom. The music started and my mom walked down the sand and towards Rob. Rob started to cry when he saw my mom. I smiled at Rob and glanced over at Ethan who was already smiling at me.

They said their vows and put the rings on each others fingers and kissed.


"You look beautiful." Ethan said.

"You don't look so bad yourself." I said.

"I bet you'd make a beautiful bride someday." He said.

"Someday." I said.

He kissed me.


Thanks for reading and I'm so sorry for the late update!!

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