chapter fifteen - Christmas

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It's been a couple of weeks since our birthday party and everyone is on break for Christmas. The twins are in Canada for break and Ethan and I haven't talked since we kissed on my birthday. I am very confused about how he feels, but I finally know exactly how I feel. I love him.


It was December 23 and I had planned to meet Shaila and Nolan for breakfast. When I arrived at the cafe, they were both already there, drinking coffee.

"Am I late?" I asked.

"No, we just were out and decided to come a bit early. Sit down!" Shaila said, excited about something.

"Why are you so excited?" I asked.

"Well, Christmas is in two days and I think I finally figured out what I'm going to get Grayson." She said.

"What is it?" Nolan asked.

"There's a really nice shop just a couple of stores down from here and they have some really nice jewelry and watches; I saw Grayson looking at them before he left. Ethan was with him actually." She said.

I wonder why Ethan was there, maybe there's a watch there that he likes.

"So, are we going to go there after breakfast?" Nolan asked.

"Yes." Shaila replied.


After breakfast, we did exactly that.

As soon as we got into the shop, Shaila ran straight to the watch she wanted to get Grayson.

Nolan and I looked around as well. I walked up to this really nice black watch that could be personalized inside the clock. It was very expensive, but I could see why.

"Are you going to get something for Ethan?" Nolan asked.

"Uh, I don't know. Why?" I asked.

"I saw you guys kissing at the party the other night, are you guys getting back together?" He asked.

"Nolan, I'm so sorry." I said.

"No, don't be. I just want you to be happy and if Ethan makes you happy, then I'm happy that you're happy." He said.

I smiled at him, then let out a little cackle.

"What?" Nolan asked, trying not to laugh.

"You said happy like four times in one sentence." I said.


After Shaila was finished buying the watch, I took another look at the black watch I saw. I decided to grab it and purchase it.

"What would you like to put on it?" The lady at the register asked.

I told her what I wanted and she said it would be ready by tomorrow.


I spent the rest of the day decorating the house and putting up a Christmas tree with Rob and my mom.


The next day, I slept in until 1pm. When I woke up, I remembered the watch was supposed to be ready today. I got out of bed and got ready to go.

As soon as I got to the shop, the same woman was at the register. I walked up to her and asked about the watch.

"Yes, honey. Let me go in the back and get it." She said.

When she came back, she put down a beautiful, black matte box out with the companies name in silver imprinted on it. She opened it up, revealing the black watch. I smiled at it.

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