chapter six - fight

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Friday morning came along and today was the day Ethan was supposed to talk to Nicole. I felt nervous and it's not even my talk or business for that matter.

I drove myself to school today. I went into the school and walked straight to my locker. I was putting books in my locker, when I heard Nicole yelling down the hall. I looked over and saw Ethan talking to her.


Ethan's POV;

"Is this because of that Eliza girl?" Nicole asked loudly, her face turning red.

"Nicole, we both know that you and I aren't right for each other. We don't really love each other and we would be happier with other people." I said.

"Whatever. You'll come back. They always do." She said, crossing her arms.

"Look, I have to get to class, so I guess, see you around?" I said before walking off.


Eliza's POV;

I saw Ethan walk off and Nicole stood there for a while. I felt kind of bad for her.

Shaila walked up to me. "Hey, what's going on?" She asked.

"Ethan just ended things with Nicole." I said.

"Oh wow. To be with you?" She asked.

"He says he wants to be with me but I told him he needs to talk to Nicole first. She deserves that; even if she hates me....she doesn't deserve to be lied to." I said.

"That's true. You're a good person, Liz." Shaila said, putting her hand on my shoulder.

Nicole closed her locker and came rushing over to us. She looked furious. She walked up to us and crossed her arms while she glared at me.

"Can we help you Nicole?" I asked.

"He doesn't love you, do you know that? He'll say he does and he'll make you fall in love with him and once you're in love, he gets bored and dumps you for someone else."

"Look, I don't really want to talk to you. I'm sorry about you and Ethan, but it's none of my business." I said.

"You're a slut, Eliza Wyatt." She said.

"What did you say about my best friend?" Shaila asked, getting closer to Nicole.

I was getting worried, because Shaila is the sweetest person you'd meet, but if you mess with the people she cares about, you're screwed. Once in kindergarden, someone stole my crayons and she beat him with the coloring books.

"You heard me. Your friend is a fugly slut." Nicole said, raising her voice.

People started crowding around us, ready to see a fight I guess.

"Shaila, it isn't worth it, let's just get to class." I said, trying to get Shaila calmed down.

Shaila got in Nicole's face. "Say it one more time, I dare you." She said, now getting really angry.

"Eliza-Wyatt-is-a-worthless-fugly-two timing-slut." She said, not knowing what she was getting herself into.

Shaila threw her books she was holding on the floor and grabbed Nicole's hair from both sides, causing Nicole to fall to the floor. Shaila got on top of her and punched her in the face; Nicole held her jaw, in pain. I guess she didn't know Shaila has had some boxing and fighting classes to help her with her anger issues. I tried pulling Shaila off of Nicole and once I finally did, Nicole got up and shoved me into the lockers. "Stop it!" I yelled.

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