chapter twenty two - the decision

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That next morning, I woke up and checked my phone to see if Ethan ever messaged me. He didn't. I sighed and put my phone down and got ready for school.

I went downstairs and rushed into the kitchen. I couldn't wait to tell my mom and Rob about the internship.

"Good morning!" I said, cheerfully.

"Hey, you're in a good mood." My mom said, smiling at my cheerfulness.

"I assume you got a call?" Rob asked, excited.

"What call?" My mom asked, looking at Rob.

"K&K Fashion offered me a job as an intern." I said.

"K&K Fashion as in Seattle?" My mom asked.

"Yes, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just assumed it was Eliza's news to tell." He said.

"Are you going to take it?" My mom asked.

"I said yes." I said.

My mom looked upset.

"Aren't you happy for me?" I asked.

"Well I just thought you could go to college here in state or do it online and stay with us." My mom said.

"Mom, I love you but I'm about to graduate high school and be an adult. I have to make my own decisions now." I said.

"You're right. I'm sorry honey, I'm just worried that you'll leave and forget about me." She said, about to cry.

I hugged her. "I'll never forget about you, mom."


I rushed off to school to tell Nolan the news.

When I got to my locker, Nolan was already waiting for me.

"Guess what?" We both said at the same time.

"You first!" He said.

"I got an internship at a fashion company in Seattle after high school!" I said, about to scream.

"Eliza! That's so amazing! I'm so proud of you." He said, hugging me.

"Thank you! So what's your news?" I asked.

"The art school I'm going to is holding a competition in a couple of weeks and the winner of the competition gets to go visit the campus this winter break and meet all of the staff and students." He said, excited.

"You're definitely going to win!" I said, cheering him on.

"Thanks Liz. So have you told Ethan your news?"

"Actually I haven't really talked to him much after last night."

"What happened last night?"

"I called him and he was at a party and basically hung up on me."

"Oh, harsh. I'm sorry." Nolan said.


After school, I went home and decided to try and give Ethan another call.

"Liza?" He answered the phone.

"Hey E. You got a moment?" I asked.

"Yes!" He said, sounding excited to talk to me.

"I have some good news." I said.

"Tell me." He said.

Before I started taking, I heard a girl in the background of Ethan's side of the phone. "Ethan, are you coming back?" She asked.

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