chapter seventeen - New Years Day

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Today is the first day of a brand new year and I am ready to make things new and better this year.

Ethan and I are dating again. Shaila and Grayson are coming up on their 6 month anniversary. Nolan has been getting really into painting and he's very good at it. Mom and Rob are stressing out about their wedding plans. Turns out Rob has big bucks that he's been saving for his wedding day.


"Rob, we could get married in Vegas and I wouldn't care because I'm with you." My mom said.

"You deserve an amazing wedding." Rob replied.

My Mom, Rob and Ethan and I were all sitting in the living room, helping plan the wedding.

"Why don't you guys go to Hawaii and get married on the beach? Then stay there a few days after for the honeymoon? That's very romantic. You guys can get married right at sunset and go barefoot in the sand." I said.

"That sounds...." my mom started to say.

"Perfect!" Rob yelled, finishing my mom's sentence.

"When will you guys get married?" Ethan asked.

"In a month!" Rob said, excited.

"A month?!" I asked, freaking out. "But you need to put a bridal party together, get a dress and a tux, and the bridal party clothes, you need to pick colors and flowers and the vows!" I continued.

"Eliza, calm down. We can do it all in a month. We want to be married as soon as possible." My mom said.


Later that day, Ethan took me to the mall.

"So who do you think is going to be part of the bridal party?" Ethan asked.

"I don't know. They don't know a lot of people if I'm being honest." I said. "I mean, my mom has been best friends with Nolan's and Shaila's moms for years now but she hasn't talked to them much lately. Everyone is busy with their own lives I guess."

"Well we already know you're going to be maid of honor." Ethan said.

"How do you know? Did my mom tell you?!" I asked.

"Whoa Liz. Haha. No, but you're her daughter and she loves you more than anyone else in this world." He said. "Just like I do." He continued.

"E." I said, before kissing him. "I love you too, so much." I said. "And I do want to marry you someday." I continued.

"Wait? What? You remember? You told everyone you don't remember anything after Rob proposing." Ethan said, pulling away from me.

~ Flashback ~

I didn't really faint, I just faked it because I had no idea what to do and I freaked out. I know, really bad idea.

"Get a cool towel!" My mom yelled.

My mom put a cool towel on my head as I opened my eyes.

"Eliza, are you okay?" Ethan asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just got a bit overwhelmed from the engagement I guess." I said, sitting up.

"So you don't remember anything after the proposal?" Ethan asked.

"Was there something else?" I asked.

"No, nothing." Ethan said, faking a smile.

~ End of Flashback ~

"Ethan, I didn't really faint." I said.

"Whoah, what?" He said, with a look of shock on his face.

"I just didn't know what to say or do when you told me you wanted to marry me. I mean, it was just so fast, we just got back together and you're already talking about marriage and it terrified me, and - please don't be mad at me, I understand if you are." I ranted on.

"Liz, liz- it's fine." Ethan said.

"But I lied to you." I said.

"You did, but I see why you did and I'm sorry for scaring you like that." He said.

"Ethan, I really do want to marry you one day." I said.

"Good, me too." He said, before grabbing my hand and kissing my cheek.


Later that day, I got into bed. I was so tired.

Rob and my mom knocked on my door.

"Come in!" I yelled.

They both came in, smiling.

"What's going on?" I asked as I sat up.

"We have something to tell you." My mom said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"First of all, will you be my maid of honor?" She asked, smiling.

"YES!" I yelled out as I hugged her.

"And.....Rob and I are getting married on Friday!" She said.

"Like, ten Fridays from now?" I asked.

"No, like this Friday." She said.

"Mom, it's Tuesday." I said.

"Yes. We just wanted to do it soon." She said.

"Wait, you're not dying right?" I asked.

"No, no!" She said.

"Phew!" I said, holding my chest.

"We just want to be married already honey. We are flying out to Hawaii tomorrow night." She said. "Oh and I already called Shaila and the twins, they are all coming." She said.


Well I guess we have a wedding to prepare for.

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