I Just Can't Deal

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"No. Stop. What are you doing? " I asked as a female in all black came into my hospital room. "I'm going to help you got of your funk. See if you would of let me have him to myself I wouldn't be killing you and your kids. All I got is a shot don't worry to much matter fact don't think about it to much (to muchhh ) " She started singing. "No bitch, no you little evil bitch! " I remember mumbling. As I woke up to feel a sharp contraction hit my stomach hard. "Ohhhh. Lessia. Something wrong. " I said calling out to my sister. I tried to get up but I couldn't move. "Alessia! Alessia! I'm having contractions. " I then see Ashed come in the room. "What's wrong Cici you don't look good. Alessia took the kids out for ice cream. " I sat back and lifted my T-shirt. "Look. " Is what I said to my older brother. "Damn. " He said as he picked me up and grabbed me as he speed walked to his rental car. "NO. Ashed he can't take my babies. That's what Kyliah want. " I rambled as he speed to the hospital. "Lord, please don't take my children. I never liked losing anyone but I wouldn't be able to manage if I lost the ones I got a undeniable connection to that I carried seven months today! I wouldn't be able to deal! In Jesus name we pray amen! " I prayed as Ashed pulled up in front of the hospital doors. By this time I was slowly seeing black. "Help my sister! " was all I heard as my head hit the steering wheel.



"Her vitals and everything are fine. She must of been stressing lately. Cause her to go into pre-term labor. I mean she's going to go into labor early because she have twins but that's usual. In this case she stressing to much and the medicine we gave to stop the contraction isn't working we're going to have to do a cesarean immediately." The doctor explained to me. I was fine with it because both my niece and my nephew would be fine. "But with her blood pressure being high she can save her and one child life or she could save both kids life and possibly lose hers. " That hit me heavily. I had already called Alessia who had called Rendell. I was surprised when he cleared his throat which let me know he had heard what the doctor said. "There's no way y'all can reduce her blood pressure? " Rendell asked. "No. No. No. It would only harm the children." He stated. "I love my kids. I would so give my life for them. " Ciao mumbled. "Hand me the papers I get them sign and we can start. " Ciao said. The doctor handed her the paper she signed them and was changed into the room for they can do the C-section. "The doctor stepped outside. "Father of the children? " The doctor said as he looked at me. "No not me. I'm her brother her baby father is him. " I said pointing to Rendell.



I had my gear and stuff on as the doctor begun. Not even eight minute's later I heard the doctor say "Baby A. It's a boy. " "A boy? It's a boy! We had a boy." I said smiling hard. They said two girls. But I got me a boy. They smacked him on the butt and he begun crying and they then passed him over to the nurses so they can suck his nose and mouth out and get weighed and his foot print taken. I smiled as I was handed the baby but I bend down to kiss Ciao and hand our baby boy to her. "Hey Kayidan." She mumbled weakly.  Three mintues later "Baby B. It's a girl!" I smiled as she went through same process Kayidan did. "I handed her to Ciao after I held her. "Ri'Naye. " She said slowly closing her eyes. As the heart monitor flat lined -


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