Chapter 2

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Elena’s POV

**Next Day**

I woke up at 4:30am. It was quite late for me, I usually wake up at 2am. I decided to text my friend Bonnie. She is a witch. Me and Bonnie have been friends since kindergarten. She is the bestest friend you can ever have. I text her saying, ‘Hey Bonnie. What’s up? You ok?’ After an hour of waiting she didn’t answer. I called her but she didn’t answer. ‘Huh, that’s weird. She usually answers me!’ I thought to myself. I went downstairs and put the TV on and watched the news. It stated that 3 people have been found dead. The cause of death for all of them was 5 animal bites on their necks then their necks snapped. They showed pictures of the victims. I gasped and fell to the floor crying. It was my mum, dad and BFF Bonnie! I cried for 4 hours straight. It was now 9:30am. My shift at Kyle’s Kafe starts at 10am. I went upstairs into my bedroom, grabbed spare clothes and went into the bathroom to get into the shower. I did my usual shower routine of washing my hair then my body. I got out of the shower and felt like someone watching me. I looked around but no one was here. I let go of the feeling. I wrapped the towel around my anorexic body. I blow dried my hair and did my makeup. I then got dressed. I grabbed my phone to check the time and it was 9:40am. I went back downstairs, grabbed my shoes and went into the living room. The TV was still on with the news. It showed a picture of my other best friend Caroline as missing. I dropped my phone and the screen cracked but I didn’t have enough money to fix it. I picked it up and luckily it still worked. I looked back at the TV and remembered what just happened and I cried. I mean, what could happen to Caroline? Is she dead or alive? Who kidnapped her? Loads of question flooded my head. After 10 minutes of crying. I looked in the mirror to check my mascara wasn’t smudging but I realized I’m wearing water proof mascara. I grabbed my phone, turned off the TV and on my way out I grabbed my keys, headphones and MP4 to listen to music. I stepped outside and locked the door. I walked to work trying not to look at the park behind me. I got to work with 5 minutes until my shift properly started. I decided to start working when I saw 5 guys at the counter. I gasped and walked over to a table trying not to make any sort of contact with them.

Louis’ POV

Me and the boys walked into a café called Kyle’s Kafe trying to look for Elena. She was the one that watched us with her friend Caroline even though Elena couldn’t recognise her because of the dark. We saw her though but she thought we didn’t. Anyway we walked into there and asked if there was anyone called Elena Gilbert that works there but they said that there wasn’t. I heard an employee say, “Yes there is. In fact if you stay here a little longer her shift starts in 5 minutes.” I thanked her. Her name tag said ‘Vikki Donovan’. I could tell she didn’t like Elena. I ignored her. Suddenly, Elena walked into the café. She started working and when she saw us she gasped and walked over to a table trying not to make any sort of contact with us. I sent her a mind message saying, ‘Hi. Now of you don’t want the receptionist and everyone in here to die, then I suggest you make your way outside.’ She nodded and walked out.

Elena’s POV

I got a message in my head saying, ‘Hi. Now of you don’t want the receptionist and everyone in here to die, then I suggest you make your way outside.’ I knew it was them. I freaked out but I nodded and casually walked out. After a minute or so, the 5 guys came out. I asked, “What d-do you want?!” They replied with,

“You! You saw us last night and we can’t risk you telling anyone! So you’re coming with us!” They tried grabbing me but I ran. I looked back and they were gone. When I looked forward again I bashed into a hard firm chest. I look up to see Louis. The rest of them came out from behind him, chuckling. I suddenly gasped. I thought, ‘No it can’t be!’ I shouted, “You 5 are One Direction!” They chuckled and nodded. ‘My heroes are murderers! It can’t be true! I’m dreaming! I have to be!’ Louis said,

“Well Elena you aren’t dreaming.” ‘D-did Louis just read my mind! Now I have to be dreaming! No one can read anyone’s mind!’ I thought to myself. Louis stepped closer again and whispered in my ear saying,

“You aren’t dreaming Elena Gilbert. We are One Direction and we are vampires.” I gave him a ‘Yeah right. LIAR!’ look but he gave me a serious look in return. I then felt a tight grip on my waist and I got lifted up and I screamed. But they didn’t flinch at all. I looked up to see who lifted me up and of course it was Niall. When I screamed Niall’s grip didn’t loosen instead it got tighter. He looked at me and gave me a kiss on my forehead. He lifted me over his shoulder and they all ran inhumanely fast. I shrieked and covered my eyes. In a matter of seconds we were at a house in a large wooded area. They carried me into the house. Niall put me down and I roared, “Bloody kidnappers!” They flinched back and I took the opportunity to run. I ran up the stairs into the bathroom and locked the door. I rummaged through their stuff to see there was anything that could help me escape from the murderers. I opened a cupboard and gasped. There were blood bags in every inch of the cupboard. I was brought back to reality when I heard loud banging on the door. I took out all the blood bags and found a knife. I put all the blood bags back and stood there looking at the knife. I thought, ‘Only way out of this is committing suicide!’ And with that I started cutting myself on my arms and on my legs and face. I wanted to die to get out of here.


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