Chapter 5

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Elena's POV

Louis mouthed, 'I love you.' To me. I mouthed the same back. But he told me I didn't. As he was about to jump the boys came back. The boys looked at the scene. Louis then said, "I'm sorry!" to the boys. He then jumped. I shouted, "NOOOOOOO!" Luckily, Harry ran and tackled Louis to the side. So they didn't get hurt or die. Liam came and untied me. Once I was untied I ran over to Louis and gave him a tight hug. I looked up to him and said, "Never EVER do that to me again!" He said in my head, 'No promises.' I replied with, 'You do that again I will make sure I'm the one that dies even if it's by saving you. I love you Louis.' I then kissed Louis on the lips. We stood there kissing until we heard the others clearing their throats. We stopped. I held his face in my hand and I realized that his skin is ice cold. He chuckled and I blushed. We went back inside and we all sat on the sofa. Louis put The Catfish Show on. I hate that show! I grabbed the remote and put The Vampire Diaries on. Me and Caroline used to watch that all the time. I could tell that Louis read my mind because he started sweating and chuckling nervously. I asked' "Louis? Are you ok? What's wrong?" He replied saying, "Yes babe. I'm ok. Nothing is wrong. It just that...." I interrupted him asking, "It's just what Louis? What do you know that you're not telling me?" He said nothing and we left at that but I wasn't through with that.

Louis' POV

I read Elena's mind about her thinking about Caroline. I started sweating and chuckling nervously. Elena asked me if I was ok and what was wrong, I told her that I was ok and that nothing was wrong. She asked me what I was hiding but I told her nothing. But she wasn't going to leave it as that. I let out a sigh of relief. We watched The Vampire Diaries and I got bored of it. I mean Damon has no humanity and Stefan falls for a girl called Elena. It's just weird. Elena suddenly gasped. 'Damon out of this looks exactly like Officer Damon. Officer Stefan was also there. That can't be the Damon and Stefan out of this. I would have recognised them from that night.' I asked in her head, 'Elena.... Please tell me you didn't think what I heard.' 'Urmmmm. Yeah. About that. Quite funny actually. Ermmm. That night when you were all in the park I called the cops. I saw you and got scared. I didn't know what else to do. Wait! Who was the girl you killed?' 'No one you need to be worried about.' She nodded but I accidentally said in her head when I didn't mean it, 'That was close. I almost told her that it was Caroline Forbes who we killed. Luckily I didn't tell her. Would have been a disaster.' Elena shouted out, "What?! You all killed Caroline. She was my best friend. Wait! You are all vampires' right?" We all nodded. "On the news it said about my other best friend Bonnie and my mum and dad. No! It can't be. The animal bites are vampire bites and you're all vampires. They also had snapped necks. You 5 killed them didn't you?!" We all tried explaining to Elena that we didn't kill them. She didn't believe us. I went up to her but something came out of her sleeve. A knife! I tried grabbing it off her but she pulled it back. She started to cry and slowly said, "I hate you all. I even kissed you Louis. I thought we had something special. Well I have nothing to live for now. I hate you all so much." And with that she drove the knife into her stomach but before she dropped, she pulled the knife out and stabbed herself again. I started crying and told her to stop. She wouldn't she did it over and over again 10 times. On the last time she said, "Bye! I hope this time I die." She took the knife out and did it once more. Then took it out and dropped it. We all cried. I was the worst though.

Elena's POV

I started to cry and slowly said, "I hate you all. I even kissed you Louis. I thought we had something special. Well I have nothing to live for now. I hate you all so much." And with that I drove the knife into my stomach but before I dropped, I pulled the knife out and stabbed myself again. Louis started crying and told me to stop. I wouldn't I did it over and over again 10 times. On the last time I said, "Bye! I hope this time I die." I took the knife out and did it once more. I took it out and dropped it. They all cried. Louis was the worst though. I fell back into someone's arms. I looked up to see Zayn. He said, "You aren't dying. Not now. I..." I interrupted him and said, "Don't Zayn. I don't want to be saved. I want to be with my family. Please Zayn. Let me die." I blacked out and hoped that I have died. I then had a vision.

'Elena? Are you there?'

'Who are you? Why am I here?'

'You are the one that needs to decide whether to take the death path or the living path.'

'I want to be with my family and friends. But at the same time I want to grow old and have kids and a boyfriend and get married. I don't know what to choose.'

'Well let's say you have to choose in the next 10 seconds otherwise you die.... 10...9...8...'

'I-I choose the-the-the ermm....'


'The living path!'

'Ok now just open your eyes.'

A/N Hi guys.... About the girlfriends part in the authors note in the last chapter I need it doing before I get to at least the 15th chapter. Thanks!!!!!!

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