Chapter 28

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Niall's POV

When Elena collapsed to the floor, I said to the boys,

"I think she collapsed because she closed her heart. Harry told her she could do it." Harry looked confused.

"I didn't tell her! Why would I?"

"You went upto her thinking she was Blue and told her by accident." He looked shocked. I picked up Elena's body and took her to her room. I lay her down on her bed. I kissed her forehead and her eyes shot open. She ran to the bathroom and threw up. I held her hair back and rubbed her back. Once she was done, she flushed the toilet and wiped ehr mouth with a tissue then threw it in the bin. I smiled at her and said,

"It's good to have you back Elena."

"It;s Blue actually but thanks." We stood up but she fell back down. I picked her up bridal style and she cuddled into my chest. I took her downstairs and into the living room. The boys turned to face me and their faces lit up when they saw Elena. I sat her on the sofa. She said,

"It's good to be back home. But my name is Blue not Elena. Also I have a dance off competition tonight and I need to go." She stood up but we held her down. Harry said,

"You're not going anywhere until you turn on your humanity and open your heart." She sighed and concernatrated. I could tell she listened because she smiled and said,

"I'm so sorry guys. I'm sorry I ran away. I'm sorry for putting you through hell. I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for this." She closed her eyes and said something. I tried moving but I couldn't. She did this! She went upto Louis and pecked him on the lips. She took his phone out of his picket and dialled 3 numbers. No! She was turning herself in. I shouted at her to stop and the boys looked at me. I told them,

"Urrr! She's ahnding herself in for all the crimes she has commited!" The boys looked shocked. We all shouted for her to stop.

"Hi. This is Blue. Yes that's me. yeah. I'm handing myself. For all the crimes. Urrr! In the woods. Yes. I'll be waiting. Bye." She hung up and turned to us. She said,

"Boys. I'm sorry. I'm responsible for all my crimes so I have to pay the price." Suddenly she started crying... Blood?

"Elen... I mean Blue. Why are you crying blood?"

"I guess you were right Niall. Closing my heart will kill me." We heard sirens outside and 5 officers came in and tackled Blue to the ground. One of them said,

"You are under arrest for the use of drugs, vandalism, murder and battery towards the public and police." They handcuffed her and she mouthed, 'I love you' to us. She was taken to a cop car. THen put in the backseat. They drove off. Me and the boys were released of her power. We raced to the station and asked to see Blue. We were allowed and we walked to her cell. We had to stand on the opposite side of the cell to her. She had a weak smile on her face. She was sat on the bed. We sat in front of the cell and soon she did the same on the other side. I asked,

"Why did you hand yourself in?"

"Because I am a criminal and I need to pay for my crimes. I didn't want to but I had to. I murdered people for fun! I'm going to die soon anyway. The lines have reached every part of my body except my face. So I might as well die knowing I have amazing mates and I did the right thing by handing myself in." Me and the boys looked at eachother and nodded.

"Elena... We are bailing you out." She shook her head furiously.

"First of all... I'm Blue now. Second of all... I don't want you bailing me out. I deserve to be in here,"

"It wasn't you doing the crimes. It was a different Elena. If you want to stay as Blue then fine but that means turning off your humanity again. I don't care anymore." I stood up and Louis said,

"Niall you do care and you know it."

"No I don't. Want to know why? Because I'm going to listen to the advice that I got from someone I thought cared about us and turn it off. Who knows, maybe she's right. Maybe it's better than feeling. Goodbye." I walked off and didn't turn back. I ran home and sat on the sofa. I wasn't going to turn it off, I was just going to act like it. That was my plan. I was sat there and cried. I loved her! And she turns herself in?! Who does that?! I ran upstairs into my bedroom and cried myself to sleep.


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