Chapter 8

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--2 days later—

Louis’ POV

 I need blood! I can’t survive this any longer. I…. Need… BLOOD!!!! Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! If a vampire goes without blood for at least 4 days they either go on a rampage and kill loads of people then become a shadow. It’s when a vampire goes to the dark side. They turn off their emotions and humanity. It was the worst thing that could happen to someone as nice as me. I was brought to reality when I heard Elena say something.

 “L-Louis? Is that you? Are you ok? You need to drink!” I shook my head telling her it’s fine. She wouldn’t take that as an answer. She looked around.

 Elena’s POV

 I have been sat in the cellar for 4 days straight. I have a stranger next to me and he looks hungry. His friends try and get him to eat but he refuses. I suddenly felt like something hit against the back of my head and I got my memory back. I see Louis in the corner starving and needing to drink blood. I say,

 “L-Louis? Is that you? Are you ok? You need to drink!” But he refused and smiled. I looked around trying to find something to cut my wrist with. I see a dagger and cut my wrist. He smelt it and I said,

 “Drink Louis! NOW!" He still wouldn’t. I sighed. His eyes suddenly turned a bloody red colour and he rushed over to me and started drinking. It killed for a second but then it gave me pleasure. When I look up I scream. Louis stops and gives me a confused look. He looked better now that he has drank. The boys came rushing in and saw the scene. I slowly started pointing my finger to the roof of the cellar. It was Caroline… dead… dripping blood. How come no blood got on me or Louis? How come I didn’t see her before? Then I stand up, run passed the boys and into a random room upstairs. I locked the door and slid down the door and cried. I opened my eyes and looked around. I could hear the boys coming up the stairs. So I made sure that the door was locked and looked round to see that it was Louis’ room. ‘How could they? I loved Louis! And this is how I get treated?! I will forever hate them! If I get away from here I will make sure I never see them ever again! I am going to do the best thing for me and commit suicide! This time they can’t stop me!’ I sighed and the boys kept coming closer and closer to the door. I looked through all of Louis’ stuff to find a large shard of sharp glass sitting under his bed. I grabbed it and shoved it into my chest. I saw Louis outside the window and said, “goodbye Louis! I hate you and all the boys! You are too late! Haha!” I then blacked out.

 Louis’ POV

 After Elena saw Caroline I knew that she would never ever like us again. Elena ran upto a room upstairs. I knew she went into my room as I sensed it. She slid down the door and cried after she had locked it. Me and the boys made our way upstairs. I heard Elena’s thought it said, ‘How could they? I loved Louis! And this is how I get treated?! I will forever hate them! If I get away from here I will make sure I never see them ever again! I am going to do the best thing for me and commit suicide! This time they can’t stop me!’ I stopped and gasped. I told the boys the thought and we rushed to the door. The door wouldn’t budge so I swiftly went outside up to my window to see Elena with a large shard of sharp glass in her hand. She shoved it into her chest. She looked at me and said, “Goodbye Louis! I hate you and all the boys! You are too late! Haha!” And with that she blacked out. I cried and broke through the window. The thing is since Elena put it into her heart she will go to either the peace palace or the ghost place. In the peace palace the people that have died rest in peace. In the ghost place the people that want to stay with their loved ones. If the person they love thinks about them then they appear. Or the way is if Elena’s heart is still beating then I can heal her. I listen closely and to my luck Elena’s heart is still beating but wont be for long. I run over to her and pull out the glass. She groans in pain and I feed her my blood. She doesn't like it when I feed her my blood but I am never going to let the love of my life die! It will take her an hour to recover like last time. I might just turn her into a vampire at least then she will have less chance of dying. But im not going to turn her without her permission. She has a choice unlike me and the boys did. We didn't want this. But we got turned and there is no way back. Sometimes I wish I could just drop dead. There are only a few ways a vampire can die. 1 is wood to the heart. 2 set on fire and the fire gets to where the bite is. 3 is werewolf bite. 4 is hybrid bite. 5 is ripped out heart. The last is ripped off head. Elena doesn’t know this luckily.


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