Chapter 22

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Elena's POV

When I was sitting down in the boys' chilling out area, a girl with brown eyes and brown hair came in. She gave me the most dirtiest look ever. I just disregarded it. That was until she came upto me and slapped me round my face for no reason. I held my cheek and yelled,

"What the hell was that for?!" She smirked and said,

"That was for my mates that you got killed. You remember them don't you? You know... The Vamps?" I gulped but stood confident.

"Oh yeah. The one's that messed with my mind to make me forget my mates and make me love them instead." She said,

"Well guess what? I'm going to make your life a living hell. You can't stop me because I'm a vampire while you're a weak human." Before I could say anything, she bit into my neck and drank my blood. I was just about to fall until she held me up. As I was my heart beat slowed, she stopped and sat me on the sofa. Blood no longer on my neck and clothes. I stood up slowly and slapped her round the face then full on attacked her. The boys came in and that girl was pulled away by Zayn. He asked,

"What's your name, beautiful?" What was up with him? She blushed and said,

"Chloe. Chloe Harrison." Zayn smiled... And kissed her? What? She even kissed him back! She's dead. My mind told me that I should grab her and rip her heart out. But my body disagreed. So I ended up crying and running out. I need to shut off my humanity. I found out that doppelgangers can do that even when not a vampire. But I wasn't going to turn it off yet. I came back to reality when I felt a pain on my wrist. I looked at it and saw that I was self-harming. I did it again. Except now I felt no pain instead I felt free. Is that normal? I heard all the boys voices telling me to stop so I said,

"I loved him and all of you. You guys are ok even Louis and he's a shadow. I just... Seeing him kiss her I felt my heart shatter. She even told me that she was going to make my life a living hell. She's a vampire so I couldn't do anything. He... He... I hate him! If he does anything like that again... Then I'm... I'm going to turn it off." The boys gave me a look that said 'That's a bad idea'. But I ignored it. I dropped the knife and cried and cried. I walked past them and went home. I was walking down the hall of all the bedrooms. Zayn's door was open. I walked in to talk to him but saw him making out with that Chloe girl. I gasped and he looked at me. I ran out crying. I ran into the living room and aimed for the backdoor until Niall lifted me up. I kicked him but it didn't faze him at all. He put me on the sofa and held me in place. Liam asked,

"What's wrong babe?" I cried harder and said,

"Z-Zayn... He was m-making out w-with Chloe." They all said that they were sorry and I said,

"Remember what I said what I would do if he did something like this again?" They nodded cautiously. I continued with the simple words of...

"I meant it and I'm doing it." I concerntrated, blocking out the boys' pleads of trying to make me stop. But it was done. I felt no pain. None of their powers worked on me anymore. I had turned it off.

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