Chapter 17

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Harry's POV

When we left Elena's room, we went downstairs. We watched TV until we heard sirens. Multiple officers came in and pointed guns at us. They came over and handcuffed us. We were going to act human so we don't expose vampire kind. We saw Elena on the stairs. We got put into a cop car. Elena smiles then fakes tears. She is so getting punished when we break out. The cop car went off. We arrived at the station. We went inside and was put into a jail cell. We were unhandcuffed before that. They locked the door and went off. I said to the boys,

"So... How we breaking out?" They gave me 'ARE YOU SERIOUS?!' looks.

"If we break out, they will come after us again. They will go to the press. We will get a bad reputation. We can't break out. We need an officer to come in here and then compel him to let us go!"

"How on Earth are we going to get an officer to get in here?" Louis smirked at me. His eyes were normal? I thought he was still a shadow.

"You idiot. I'm not going to expose vampire kind. These are contacts. Moron." I pulled a face.

"Yeah. Anywayyyy. How we going to get an officer in here?"

"Simple." Louis replied. Next thing I knew was Louis' boot hitting me in the stomach. I fall to the floor and cry out in pain. Zayn shouts,

"Someone help! He's in pain! He has stomach pains and it gets really bad! He tries suicide to try and escape the pain. Quick! He needs his medicine!" Then 2 officers burst in. I look up and see an officer next to me. The other officer was completely dazed. They obviously compelled him already.

"Sir? What's wrong? Where does it hurt?" I smirk for some reason and hold him down. I look in his eyes and say,

"Now don't scream!" My veins come out and my eyes were red. My fangs enlong. I bite into his neck and drain most of his blood until he was weak and was unable to keep his weight up. I stop drinking. I look at the boys and they had disgusted looks on their faces except for Louis. Instead he had a smirk on his face. It's because he's a shadow with no remorse. He don't care.

"What? I was hungry." I say to them. I look into the officers eyes and said,

"Now. You will let us go with no charges. You will not remember anything to do with us." He nods and I feed him my blood. Louis comes over and pushes me out the way so he hasn't got enough blood to heal. Louis bites into his neck and drains him dry. The officer is dead! Oh My God! Louis is a full shadow! NO NO NO NO! This can't be happening! He has a girlfriend! So does Zayn! So does Liam! Me and Niall don't but that's fine! Next to turn to a shadow is Zayn. Then Liam. Then Niall. Then me. I am the last one. I am going to watch my best mates turn into shadows. After all these years of not activating our shadow sides it happens. We are part of a legend. It's a long story. Long story short.... Once we are shadows we have to open the box that either destroys the world or saves it. After all these years why happen now. This is because of Elena. I am handing her over to Klaus to deal with. She has to do the ritual to release his full potential of a hybrid. In the process, she dies. Ha! She deserves it. I compel the other officer to forget what he saw and shoot the other officer in the heart then discharge us. After that to shoot himself in the heart. We get let out and we make our way home. Crap! Elena is in there! Wait! No she isn't. She is just in front of us. She obviously made a statement. Oh no! We go back in and ask to see the officer who attended to Elena. A guy with black hair with blue eyes comes upto us and asks,

"What's wrong?" I am at the front so I look in his eyes and say,

"You will give me Elena Gilbert's statement then forget all about us and Elena. Got it?" He nods and gives us her statement. I look through it and what she wrote was quite harsh. Anyway, we say thank you and walk home.


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